Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ruben with a side of temper

I woke as the sun was shining through the window from someone shaking me awake. My Grandma was standing over me with a plate of bacon and eggs with big fluffy biscuts. If I keep eating like this, I'm gonna be as big as a barn by the time I leave... I thought to myself, as I grabbed a hot biscut and picked it apart.

It was just after 6am and the hotel was starting to bustle with people. The day shift kitchen workers were busy cooking breakfast, the bellboys were unloading luggage, and business men were on their way out for the day. As I ate my breakfast, I sat and watched the people pass. Wondering where they were from, wondering where they were going, wondering what drew them here. When I finished my breakfast and walked my plate into the kitchen. Just as I swung the door open, I heard 'oowwww' from the other side. I froze in my step, wondering what just happened. Slowly, the door opened and there stood a short light-skinned black man, who looked very irritated.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!!! Please forgive me! Are you O.K.?" I begged

Rubbing his nose, he growled at me, "What are you doing coming in here? This isn't for guests! It's employees only! GET OUT!"

I took a step back and looked over my shoulder hoping my Grandma was within hearing distance to help me because I didn't know what to say. I saw her rushing over with a unhappy expression on her face. Not far behind her was Slim.

"Ruben! Don't you dare talk to her like that!" my Grandma sputtered. She looked like flames were going to shoot out her ears.

"Ruben! Calm down! It was only an accident!" Said Slim only inches behind me. Slim had now moved me behind him so that I had to peer around him to see what was going on. I held onto my plate like it was my lifeline.

"She shouldn't be tryin' to come in here! It's workers only! She could have broken my nose!" Ruben yelled.

My Grandma stepped 1 step closer to him, leaned in and with her thick Southern draw, "Don't you DARE talk to my Grandbaby like that! And even IF she wasn't my Grandbaby, you shouldn't even talk to a guest like that!" then she leaned in even further, only inches from his not even red nose and continued, "and if you even THINK about doing it again, you're FIRED!"

At that point, Ruben WAS red but not just his nose. His whole face went bright fire red and sweat began to roll off his forehead. His clenched his fists and his body began to shake. I ducked back behind Slim, I knew what was coming. Ruben was about to blow his lid. My Grandma took two steps back, I guess she realized it too. Quickly, I decided I really should be behind my Grandma incase Slim needed to handle the situation, it would definately be safer for me. I took a few steps to the side to get behind my Grandma just in time, as Ruben decided to swing his hand back. I didn't know who he was aiming for, my Grandma or Slim, but before he was able to make contact, Slim grabbed him and twisted his arm back behind his back. Ruben let out another 'oowwww!' but this time, I think he really meant it instead of just being obnoxious.

For the first time, I realized how agile Slim was for his age. Up until then, I couldn't figure out why such a big hotel would hire such an older man. I didn't know Slims age, but he was definately not a young man.

Slim instructed my Grandma to call the General Manager and ask him what he wanted to do with Ruben; just fire him or press charges for attempted assult. Before my Grandma even made contact with the General Manager, Ruban had decided he was quitting. But Slim still wouldn't let go of him until they heard from the GM. The GM said it was up to my Grandmother on what to do, since she was assumed to be the target. She decided it would be best for all involved if he just collected his belongings and left, without the Police interferring. Slim let go of Ruben and followed him into the employee's dressing area to get his personal affects, then escorted him out into the parking lot giving him a warning to never return to the hotel or he WOULD be arrested.

After all the excitement was over, I asked my Grandma about Slim's age.

"Grandma, how old is Slim?"

"Now baby, it isn't polite to ask people their ages"

"I know, but Grandma, I'm just surprised that he's doing this at his age and wondered how old he was"

"He's 66. But don't go telling him I told you"

I was shocked. 66!! Not only shocked, but impressed. I saw how he handled Ruben in just an instant, before Ruben even had time to finish winding his arm back. I had a new respect for Slim, I knew that I would be save with him anywhere in the hotel, but I also knew that I never wanted to be on the receiving end of his power.

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