Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Vacation here I come!

The rest of the day seemed to go slower and slower as we got closer to the end. When the final bell rang, I ran to my locker, put everything inside and flew out to the bus. I couldn't wait to get out of there and be home. I couldn't wait to stay up late and sleep in come the morning and I REALLY couldn't wait that as of today, was the last time I had to see or deal with O'Neil for awhile.

I boarded the bus with thoughts of Christmas. Presents under the tree for my family, and some for me. Then right after that would be my birthday. I was still trying to think of something I wanted to do for my birthday. Tradition in my family is, that on your birthday you get to plan the whole day. You can go anywhere you want (within reason), do whatever you want, and have dinner where ever you wanted. I still hadn't decided what I wanted to do and decided to ask Vanessa if she had any ideas.

To my surprise Vanessa was already on so I sat at my regular seat, her 2 down from me, and I asked her. We spent the next few minutes trying to plan ideas for my day until I heard O'Neil coming towards the bus. Sad that I could HEAR him before I saw him. He had a big booming voice and was always loud whenever he talked to anyone. We quickly ended our conversation about my plans and decided to talk about something else. I purposely kept my back towards him so that I wouldn't see him coming. Of course, he sat with me anyway. I had another idea... Why don't I try to start a conversation with him before he even had a chance to be a jerk to me.

"Hi! So any big plans for the break?" I asked, in a strange and chipper way. He turned and stared at me like I had 3 heads.

"Umm.. no.. not really.. why? You want to go out?" He said with a smurk

"Oh!! (nervous laughing) No.. I was just curious. Christmas is my family's favorite time of year and was just asking if your family had anything special planned"

"No, we don't really do anything special. A few gifts, then its over" He said. He actually looked a little sad, and for an instant, I almost felt sorry for him.

I kept the bus ride full of useless conversation just to keep him preoccupied so he didn't do anything rude. I looked at my windo and was shocked to see that we were already at my stop. I grabbed my things and waited for him to move to let me by... but he won't move!! He just sat there.

"Excuse me.. I need to get off"

(him laughing as he looks up to me) "haha.. yea.. I need to 'GET OFF' too!!" he and his friends snicker. At first I didn't get the 'joke', but as he stared at me, I realized what he meant. He must have known when I finally understood his hidden joke because I know my face showed all of my emotions. 1st quizative, 2nd realization, 3rd.. appauled. Before I even had a chance to say or do anything, he already had his hand up my skirt and was making his way with his fingers under my panties. I jerked back so fast I almost fell over the seat infront of us. The look on my face was pure shock, and disgust. With all my might I tried to push his hand away. Though his hand wasn't completely out from under my skirt, it was no longer IN my underware. His other hand was fidgeting with something and when I turned to look, I realized he had unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and had already begun to pull out his dick. Again, I was shocked and digusted. It didn't register right away what his intentions were, but I just knew I had to get away and fast.

Luckily there were people that sat behind us that needed to get off to and his friends were blocking the isle. Some pushing in the isle persued and I was able to get free with my clothes intact and other than feeling gross, he hadn't been able to get as far as he wanted. In no way did he actually make contact with any of my part, but just the same, I felt gross.

I ran off the bus, down the stairs and continued down the road. I didn't even look back to see were Vanessa was. I didn't even want to go to her house, I just wanted to be alone. She caught up with me about 1/2 way and wanted to know what was wrong.

"why are you running like that? Jesus!"


"Yea.. I know he does. It sucks...." she trailed off

"NO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" I shouted "I mean like.. he TOUCHED ME! He had his hands UP my skirt and was trying to get UNDER my underware!!"

The look on her face made me assume thats what I looked like when he did it to me. Shock and disgust

"oh my god, J! No way! I'm so sorry!! Are you O.K.? What are you going to do??"

"What CAN I do, Vanessa? The school obviously doesn't believe me, and now.. I'm REALLY too embarressed to tell my folks. They would FLIP!!! And possibly make me leave this school... this school and you! I don't want to leave" I whinned

She put her arm around my shoulders and we continued to walk back to her house, though I still wanted to be left alone. She promised me that we would think of something and we'd get through this together. She also reminded me that today was the last time I was going to have to see him for awhile. For the rest of the day I never regained my happy attitude, but I was atleast feeling better that today was over.

1 comment:

Fefita said...

wow. he is really disgusting. i can't believe he did that to you. i hope things got better after break was over.