Friday, May 7, 2010


The first group of my classes for the day continued on uneventful. Lunch time was next and I was looking forward to seeing Vanessa and I had finally convinced myself that it was time to talk to Carl the next time I saw him. I never really saw him before at lunchtime, but I knew he'd be there.

I threw my books into my locker and made my way to the lunchroom. As I got closer, I heard hollering and yelling and whistles going. (The Admin's and security all wore whistles to get ppl's attention if a fight was breaking out). Just like the rest of the group, I was curious to see what was going on. I pushed my way into the lunchroom to get a better view and when I did, my mouth just hung open. I couldn't believe it!! One of the security guards had Henry by the back of his shirt and was yelling at him. There was a girl standing just a few feet away in tears while 1 of the admins were trying to calm her down. Quickly the security guard was leading Henry out of the back exit and the admin and the girl were following behind. Gossip was running like crazy but I couldn't figure out what anyone was saying. Frusterated, I walked to found Vanessa to see if she knew.

"OMG! What's going on! Why are they taking Henry away??" I said running up to Vanessa

"I don't know.. I just walked in. But from what I heard.. he put his hand down a girls pants!"

"WHAT?! NO WAY! I don't believe it! Henry wouldn't DO that! He just wouldn't!!" I said frantically. Ok.. so maybe I didn't know Henry all that much. Hell, really.. I had just met him the day before, but I couldn't imagine him doing something like that!

By the time we made it thru the lunch line, the story was being told a thousand times over. After filtering out most of the add-on's of other people, we found out that some girl (the girl crying) had grabbed Henry's wallet as he was walking into the lunch line and refused to give it back. She thought it was funny, I'm guessing trying to flirt with him, but he didn't find it humerous at all. After he pretty much begged her for it, she still wouldn't give it back and proceeded to shove it down the front of her pants telling Henry "You want it so bad.. come and get it", so he did. As soon as he put his hand on the waistband of her jeans, she screamed that he was trying to rip her clothes off. Immediately, the school officals responded, pulling him away from her, and that's when I came into the room.

After hearing that, I was in no mood to talk to Carl. I wanted to be left alone. I had no idea what they were going to do to Henry, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that Henry was in trouble and I was afraid for him.

The bell rang ending lunch and it was time to go to another class. As I was walking back towards the main building, I looked over and saw Carl sitting on the picnic benches outside of the lunchroom. Part of me wanted to talk to him, to tell HIM what was going on, but the other part of me just couldn't talk about it. When I saw that he noticed me looking at him, he gave me a weak smile, but I just turned my head and kept walking. I felt bad about not even smiling back, but I wasn't in a smiling mood.

I continued my walk back to my locker to get the books for the remainder of my classes that day, wondering what was going to happen to Henry. Since he was in 8th grade, we didn't have any of the same classes and I wouldn't see him again until the bus ride home to find out anything.

The rest of the day was a blur and I couldn't wait to just get out of there and get home. I wanted to curl up in my bed and sleep the rest of 6th grade away. I wasn't doing good in many of my classes, and just wanted it all to be done and over with.

The final bell rang to dismiss us for the day and I made a beeline to my locker, grabbing the items I would need for homework, then sped to the bus. Vanessa was already on so I sat 2 seats infront of her so that we could still talk until more students got on. Of course, just like every other day, O'Neil boarded and sat next to me.

"Ohh.. saving my seat for me, are you?" He laughed

I just rolled my eyes and turned to the window, still waiting for my saving grace to board. I sat there for almost 20 minutes searching for him and before I knew it, the bus was begining to pull away and Henry was no where to be found.

I slumped back into my seat and closed my eyes, praying O'Neil would just ignore me, but my prayers were not answered.

"Missing your 'loverboy'?" O'Neil asked, but I ignored him. "Well.. you'll be missing him for awhile, he got expelled today"

I turned to O'Neil, praying that his eyes would tell me he was lying, but I saw nothing.

"What!!? He got expelled really? How do you know that for sure?"

"My cousin Cory is in his class, and he told me.. isn't that right Cory?" He asked his cousin, then turned back to me "Now you have no one again" he laughed.

I thought I was going to be sick. I so badly wanted to puke on him. All over him. To see him covered in massive mounds of puke would at least make me smile, but I knew that if I did that, he'd surely hit me. Not that I could blame him for that one. I mean.. I would probably hit someone who purposely puked on me, too. So instead, I retreated back into myself. I closed my eyes once again and sat against the seat.

I was glad I only had 1 more day until we would be on Christmas break and I wouldn't have to deal with him for almost 3 whole weeks. Plus, Christmas was just around the corner, which is my favorite Holiday, then right after that was my birthday. I promised myself that I wasn't going to let this shithead ruin my Christmas OR my Birthday. I vowed to myself that after I stepped off the bus come tomorrow afternoon, I wouldn't think about him or what he does to me for the rest of the break.

1 comment:

Fefita said...

Awww poor Henry? What happened to him? Did you ever see him again?