Monday, May 24, 2010

Grandma's think of everything

***** Ok.. I don't know what I do that every time I have written something to post at a later time, it never does post, and somehow gets erased!! Grrr!! I have to figure this out.. it's irritating! So, anyway.. sorry there was no posts since earlier last week. I have to rewrite the ones I'm missing and hopefully they'll be up with in a day or 2*****

The week progressed and it was time for my parents and brother to return home. I was staying an additional few weeks, possibly a month if I could. Saturday morning came and we all sat down for breakfast. Conversation veered toward my extended stay and my grandparents told me of all the things they had planned for us to do together. At that time, both of my grandparents both worked, but opposite shifts. My Grandfather worked from 5am until 2pm and my Grandmother worked overnights as a Manager at a local hotel near the beach.

My Grandmother asked me if I would be interested in joining her at work a few nights, and if I liked it, I could go as often as I wanted. I excitedly accepted and we made plans for me to go with her that evening. I knew I had to take somewhat of a nap during the day, otherwise I'd fall asleep by midnight. By 6pm I was fast asleep and at 10pm by Grandma came in to wake me. We both got dressed and left for work. On the way we stopped at a Checkers (burger joint) on the way so that we could get something to eat. That was a treat for me because my Grandparents didn't usually eat out anywhere, they preferred home cooked meals.

20 minutes later we arrived at the hotel and it was huge!! It has recently been remodeled so everything was super shiny and new. As we're getting out of the car she tells me that she packed a bag for me just in case I needed anything and to retrieve it out of the trunk. I get the bag and follow her into the lobby.

As the sliding doors open and I step inside, the first thing that caught my eye was the huge staircase directly in front. There was at least 30 steps then they split off at the top, 1 going to the left the other going towards the right and even more steps on each side. In the center of those to stairways was a giant picture of an old man. He actually reminded me a little of Colonel Sanders (The KFC guy). The reception area was directly to the left and the counter tops were made of big heavy shiny wood. The entry reminded me of old Victorian houses you see in the movies. Every spec of metal was glossy. There were ceiling to floor windows on every wall, all showing parts of the rest of the hotel with thick dark curtains. Directly behind the reception area, there was a window overlooking the spacious pool and deck. I had no idea there was even a pool there and kicked myself for not asking so I could bring my swim suit. To the right of the staircase were 2 sets of swinging doors. Beside those two door was another heavy door. I had no idea where any of those led to and turned to ask my Grandma. Apparently I was so engrossed in my surroundings that I didn't even notice her walk off. I took a few more steps forward and saw there was a sitting room underneath the staircase. It had 2 big couches with end tables and a coffee table in between the couches and 2 chairs directly in front of a fireplace. This place was gorgeous!! I loved it!

I heard a voice coming from behind me.. "Good evening, Miss. Is there something I can help you with?"

As I turned I saw a tall thin older black man standing there. The security uniform he wore clashed with his graying hair.

"Oh.. umm.. well yea.. I've seemed to have lost my Grandma" I answered

"Well, do you know which room she is staying in?" he asked

"No.. no.. she isn't staying here. She works here."

"Ohhh you must be Dot's grandbaby." I nodded my head yes "Here, I'll show you were she is. My name's Slim, by the way. What's yours?"

"I'm J" I said as I shook his hand.

He walked me over to the reception desk and leaned over, calling out for my Grandma. She appeared a few seconds later from what I assumed was an office with a arm load of papers and books. "So I see you met my grandbaby, Slim?"

"Yes ma'am, I did."

"Would you mind showing her around here the next time you go on your rounds?"

"I'd loved to!" he replied to her then turned towards me "Would you like to go now? I'm not due to do my rounds again for another 30 minutes, but we can go now if you'd like"

I agreed and and asked where I could leave my bag. I still had no idea what was in the bag and decided to ask my Grandma when we returned. She took the bag from me and placed it behind the counter. "I'll be right here when you get back. And when ya'll are done, if you want to go swimming, I packed your suit, a towell for you and a change of clothes"

Ahh.. leave it to my Grandma to think of everything :)

1 comment:

Fefita said...

Aww that was really sweet of her. And I remember Checkers! They have the best fries EVER!!! There's only one in NY, in the same city where I lived, but far as hell. I miss it!