Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's Break Time!!

** Just a side note, I think I caught up with my posts for the week I was out of town, so from here, I'll more than likely stick to the regular posting schedule. (Tuesday's, Thursday's and Sunday's) Some nights I may get bored and write something extra, who knows?? :)**

The next morning I woke with great anticipation. I couldn't wait for the day to end and to finally begin my Christmas break. Quickly, I showered, dressed and headed to Vanessa's. I wasn't going to let anything ruin my day today, even IF (IF! haha I know there wasn't an 'if', I knew it was more than likely) O'Neil bothered me that day.

Dragging Vanessa out the door while she was still trying to eat her toast, I asked again to confirm she was still going to be around for my birthday. My birthday is probably one of the most crappiest days to have it on. Just 2 days after Christmas, meaning, I either got shafted with 2-in-1 gifts (here's your Christmas present, and it's also your bday present, we didn't have enough money to get you both) or everyone was out of town and doing the family thing for the holiday. Vanessa assured me she was going to be around and that she'd definately come over. (**Thankfully, my parents never did the 2-in-1 gift thing, but my brother tried to do it 1 year.. until my mom told him no!! haha)

I was in such a good mood that day and finally feeling like I was back to my joyous, bubbly self. I was cracking jokes and goofing off while Vanessa just stared at me in amazement. For the life of her, she couldn't figure out WHY I was so happy.

"What's up with you this morning? You're never this chipper?" She asked skeptically.

"Oh nothing really. I'm just super glad today is the last day for a few weeks. Nothing's gonna get me down today! Not even that jerk-off!" I said and we both laughed.

The bus pulled up a few minutes later and we were on our way. I had also decided that I was going to try a new strategy with O'Neil. When we were getting near his stop, I was going to pull out a book and do my homework. (or at least he was going to THINK I was doing it, even though I had already done it the night before.) I figured I pull out my math book, since I was not doing too well in that class anyway and could use this time to refresh my memory for the test we had that day.

A short time later, we were at his stop and as he boarded, I had my book in my lap, papers and pencil out and problems already written, acting as if I still had to complete it. I didn't even pick my head up when the bus stopped, I acted like I didn't even notice him walking down the isle, even though I could feel him near. I had my bag on the seat as well, making yet another obsticle for him to bother me. Of course it didn't matter to him, he moved it and sat down anyway and tried talking to me.

"Miss your loveboy yet?"

Silence... I didn't even pick up my head

"I SAID!! Are you missing your loverboy, yet?

Again, silence, nose still stuck in the book

"Don't ignore me bitch!" he yelled

"LOOK! I gotta get this done.. like NOW! I don't have time for your crap today! Just go away!" I finally looked up and yelled at him and as soon as I did I had an oh shit! feeling. I surely thought I was going to feel the back of his hand on my face again. Surprisingly, he only stared at me so I quickly put my head back down and continued on my 'fake' homework. He didn't say any more to me for the rest of the ride and I was greatful. I knew my plan wouldn't work every time, but at least I won this round with him. I only had to get through the bus ride home and I'd be free of him for awhile. Over the break I knew I had to think of something else, and hoped that by then Henry might be back.

I felt like I was rushing the clock all day, willing it to go faster so I could go home. By the time lunch rolled around, my day was over 1/2 finished and I was getting more anxious by the minute. I found Vanessa inside the lunchroom and we walked to get in line. While waiting there for our food, as her and I were chatting about what we wanted for Christmas, I over heard a group of girls talking about Henry. I tried to listen in without being obvious about it...

"YES! It's true! I heard it from Lisa!" The preppy little blonde said

hmm.. ok.. who the hell was Lisa.. and what did she know about Henry?

"Yea but.. why would Lisa know? How do you know it's the truth?" The other girl asked

"What are you retarded? You're seriously asking why would Lisa know?! Hellooooo!! She's the one he ATTCKED!"

Ohh my God! What did they know?? I missed it!! I don't want to ask her what she's talking about.. but Oh God! I gotta know!!

"Well.. then.. I guess she would know. Did they actually TELL her they expelled him? Or just that he wasn't going to bother her anymore?"

"Expelled! As in never coming back."

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit! Damn it all to hell! Now I REALLY need to think of something

My attention was drawn back to the conversation I was having with Vanessa when she poked me in the arm asking why I wasn't answering. I had no idea she even asked me a question so I turned around and asked her to repeat it. She was bothered, but repeated what she asked and we paid for our food to find a seat. Once we sat down, I leaned over to tell her what I heard and explain why I wasn't paying attention. Thankfully, she understood and was no longer miffed at me.

"So.. what are you going to do now?" She asked while stuffing fries into her mouth

"I don't know.. that homework thing I did this morning isn't going to work all the time. You're gonna have to help me think of something over break"

She agreed and we finished our lunch talking about regular things; Christmas, shopping, classes and of course boys. I was finally back to my carefree attitude I had woken up with that day.


Fefita said...

I'm glad things started getting better. I hope they stay like that! Can't wait till tomorrow to see what happens!

~J said...

Glad you like it so far!! Oh.. it gets more interesting as we go, but there will be some posts that might be a little boring, but have to be posted to understand others. :) Thanks for reading and commenting :)