Sunday, October 24, 2010


I called by parents to ask if it was O.K. if I spent the day with Amy and after I got their approval and hung up, we quickly got ready. Since I hadn't anticipated seeing them again so soon, I didn't bring any 'cute' outfits so I had to borrow something from Amy. Luckily we were close to the same size and we put our finishing touches on just as the guys called back once more.

Tony informed Amy that they were on the way to the mall and told us where to meet them. Amy's dad dropped us off 20 minutes later and her and I were nervous all over again. We made our way up the escalators and found Tony and Johnny sitting at a table talking intently. Slowly we approached and Tony saw us first, directing Johnny in our direction. They stood as we reached their table and they both greeted us with hugs and kisses. This time, I kissed back. I loved the scent of Johnny. He always smelled of speariment breath mints and Drakkar Noir (hey! It was the 90's!!) and I nuzzled my face in his chest breathing him in.

We sat and talked for a few minutes, recollecting the events of the previous night and how much fun we both had. Deceiding to walk around the mall, each of the guys grabbed our hand and led us around. Looking in store windows, wondering in department stores and then they led us to Fredrick's of Hollywood.

Amy and I gave a worried glance to eachother as we entered. We both knew we weren't the right age to be in that store, ESPECIALLY with two guys older than us. The sales woman gave us a disapproving glance, told us if we needed anything to ask and walked away. The guys had a good time rummaging through the merchandise, holding up lingerie to us that they liked. Amy and I tried to put on a happy face but we were both uncomfortable being in there.

Johnny tried to buy me a bra and panties set but after much begging, pleading and 'no no no' he finally gave in. He instead tried to push me into trying some things on, offering to go in with me to give his approval. Again, it took a lot of no's but he eventually stopped asking. Tony and Amy had walked off to another part of the store and I could hear giggles and see the admiring glances he gave her. We left the store soon after but the mood out our little group had changed. Johnny stopped holding my hand and he began walking 2-3 steps ahead of me. Tony and Amy got in step with me and though they could feel the tension between Johnny and I, neither of them said anything.

Tony continued to be a gentleman for the remainder of the day, though Johnny began acting as if I wasn't even there. It was time for us to leave and Amy and Tony had resumed their lip-locking. I walked over to Johnny timidly.

"Umm.. so.. I guess we're leaving now"

"O.K." he replied without even looking at me

"Did I do something to make you mad?"

"Forget about it"

"No. Please I want to know. What did I do?"

He turned to face me finally. Leaning down until our noses were only an inch apart.

"I don't like being embarressed in front of my boy"

"What do you mean? How did I embarress you?"

"How did you embarress me? What would you call it back there in the store?"

"But Johnny.. I didn't want to try those on. I was too embarressed. Plus.. him and Amy weren't even around. They were off doing their own thing, he couldn't hear us"

"Doesn't matter. He knew you kept telling me no."

I didn't know what else to say except that I was sorry. I stood there a little while longer waiting to see if he would say anything else and all he did was step back and turn away from me again. I sighed and started to walk away.

"I'll call you tonight and we'll talk" he said after me

"O.K." was all I could say and continued to walk.

5 comments: said...

i have been wondering about you lately, hope everything is ok. I have a bad feeling of where this story is leading, but i was a teenager too & remember just how much i liked the attention, this brings back memories lol.

~J said...

I'm really sorry I've been MIA lately. I've just started back to school for my Masters and it's really taking up much more of my time than I expected. I kept telling myself 'I'll post today! I have to!' but today never came. But I couldn't sleep last night so I did 2 for here and 2 for Past Lovers (if you read that too). Look for the next post around Wednesday :)

Joangel said...

I agree...I don't think this is going to end well. Thanks for the posts! said...

well i am glad it is something like school that has kept you away, won't worry so much about that, i can understand not having the time.

i read both, i like your writing :) i just don't comment on the other one, heck i never have time to read a post anymore let alone comment so i read them quickly as i can lol.

~J said...

Thanks for reading, it's good to know there are people out there actually reading. :)