Friday, October 29, 2010

Shitty Days

**Happy Friday everyone! Just a bonus post 'cus.. well.. really just cus I can't sleep and I'm bored! :)

I waited by the phone the whole night but Johnny never called. Each time the phone rang, I bulldozed everyone over just to answer it, but it was never whom I really wanted it to be. Around 8:45 Amy called to see if I had heard from him. Since I was already in a grumpy mood because he DIDN'T call, her calling and asking if he did, knowing that I'd call her right after IF he had.. just made me even more pissy.

"NO! Amy! He didn't call!" I yelled into the phone. Even though I knew it wasn't her fault that he didn't call, I still kind of took it out on her.

"Oh. Well.. I just got off the phone with Tony.. so I thought maybe Johnny had called you and you tried to call while I was on the phone" I knew her intentions were good but she still irritated me. (and no, she didn't have call waiting) Though I knew she wasn't purposly doing it, I felt like she was rubbing it in my face that she had heard from her boyfriend but I had not. I got off the phone quickly after that and tried to get to sleep.

It's funny really.. that when you're that age, the things that will keep you up at night. Things that you worry about that really don't matter much, but at that point in your life, it matters more than anything else.

After a night of restless sleep, I got up and headed to school. Vanessa and I still rode to school together. Now that my dad was taking us, her parent's like the idea and occationally would take us instead. (again, with her Dad's controlling.) It was her Dad's turn this morning so I called her right before I headed out the door to tell her I was on my way over. As soon as I arrived we piled into the car and were on our way.

"So, J, what did you do this weekend?" I hadn't been spending a lot of time with Vanessa. Mainly because her parent's WERE very controlling and wouldn't ever let her out of the house without an adult chaperone with her at all times. Of course, THAT couldn't happen when I was out meeting up with Johnny so our friendship started to dwindle.

I looked in her father's direction before answering and saw him eye me from the rearview mirror. "Oh, not much really. Spend the night over at Amy's and went to the mall. What did you do?" I figured that would be safe to say for the time being and I'd fill her in later when spying ears weren't around.

"Oh I didn't really do anything either. Just stayed in the house the whole time"

"Oh. Well, if you ever want to go to the mall with me and Amy, just let me know, you're always welcome." I saw her father make an expression along the lines of "Like hell she will" but I just ignored him.

Throughout the day all I could think about was Johnny and the fact that he never called. I was beginning to worry that I had seen the last of him. After school I came home and checked the messages, hoping he had called, but he still hadn't.

I moped around the house for the rest of the day and waited for my parents to return. My brother came home before them, acting a little funny. I asked him what was up.

"J, You know it's my birthday in a few days"

"Yea, but why are you so happy about it? Got something special planned?"

"J! You know damn well! Mom and Dad wouldn't sign my papers to go into the Army early. I'll be 18, school already said I could go early, I have enough credits and that they'd mail me my diploma. Now they can't stop me" He finished as he headed to his bedroom with a slight smug look.

"When would you leave?" I called after him.

"The following weekend" he answered over his shoulder as he shut his door.

I sat in the livingroom ignoring the T.V. lost in my own thoughts. I didn't want my brother to leave. I surely didn't want my brother to leave while there was a war brewing that they eventually called Desert Storm. My biggest fear was that he'd get sent over there and never come back.

This already shitty day had gotten even shitter.

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