Monday, October 11, 2010

To my disappointment, the week seemed to drag on. Amy and I couldn't wait until the weekend to meet up with Johnny and Tony again.

Finally the day came and Amy and I spent most of the afternoon trying to pick out the perfect outfit. Since I was too young to date and I was never one to wear make-up, I had to do my finishing touches at Amy's house. My dad dropped me off with the thought that her dad was taking us to a movie and I was spending the night at her house afterwards. Her dad of course knew we weren't doing that, since he was the 1 that was going to drop us off Down Town and pick us back up later on that night.

Little did any of them know, we were about to go on our very first date.

Her dad dropped us off in front of the teen dance club around 8pm informing us he would be back at 11:30 to pick us up and we better not be a minute late. That only gave us 3 1/2 hours to spend with the guys, but it was better than nothing.

We waved goodbye and started towards the door of the club. Once we saw that he had driven away, we made a beeline for the the designated meeting place. Stopping off once in a bathroom to check our make-up and we were back on our way, nervously giggling and chatting.

Johnny spotted us before we spotted them and he surprised me by wrapping his arms around me from behind. I probably jumped about a foot off the floor and awkwardly accepted his embrace. Tony leaned into Amy for a kiss and she graciously accepted. I did notice that Eric wasn't with them this time... which was fine with me. He seemed more like the loner type anyway, he didn't talk much.

We spent the rest of the evening walking around the town, ducking into shops, clubs and they even snuck us into a bar or 2. They tried to get us to drink some, but neither of us wanted to have to explain the smell of alcohol to her dad so we declined. It never occurred to me to wonder why.. if they were only 18 and 19, why there were able to buy drinks until later that night.

It didn't take long for me to feel very comfortable with Johnny. He just had that way about him. His hands wondered a little too much for my (lack of) experience but I never pushed his hand away. When he leaned in for a kiss after only an hour together, I didn't pull away this time. It was nice to finally kiss someone of my own free will. It was nice to kiss someone that I WANTED to kiss. To have someone that I was attracted to to touch me and hold me

11:20 arrived and it was time to say a reluctant goodbye. We had decided to part ways a block away from where her dad was going to pick us up, just in case he arrived early, we didn't want him to catch us. With promises to talk soon and to make plans to get together the next weekend, we made out like the horny teenagers we were and left.

For the rest of the night and into the wee hours of the morning, all we talked about were the guys. What we considered our real 'first date', our real 'first kisses' and the naughty thoughts teenage girls have that we want to do with our current crushes.

We couldn't wait to talk to them again and see them again and hoped it would be for longer next time.

Our wake-up call the next day came at 10am... from Tony. They wanted to hang out again and we made plans to meet them at the mall.

1 comment:

Joangel said...

Hey J,
I just got caught up on your blog. had to endure some bad shit. I'm so glad you had your family to support you (once you told them). Can't wait to find out what happens next. I'm thinking it's not going to be good...