Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's my age again??

Amy and Tony disentangled themselves as I approached, said a last goodbye and her and I walked outside.

"What was up with that?" she asked, motioning over to where Johnny and I had been talking.

"I'm really not sure. He's mad at me because he said I embarressed him in front of Tony."

"Embarressed him how?"

"'Cus I wouldn't try on those things and I wouldn't let him buy me anything from there"

"Oh" was all she could say.

"I don't know why he thinks someone my age should or WOULD wear that stuff anyway!!!"

"Oh.. well....." she trailed off and looked away.

"Well what? What do you know?"

"Well.. I kinda told them we were older than what we are."

"YOU DID WHAT?? How old do they think we ARE!?"


Now it was my turned to not know what to say. Amy still wouldn't face me and that was fine. There was so many things running threw my head. A lot of things started to finally make some sense but what I couldn't understand is why she would tell them that!

"Amy! Why would you do that?"

She finally faced me again, "Well, they said they were 18 and 19. I figured if they knew our real ages they wouldn't want anything to do with us and I really liked Tony!"

I couldn't believe my ears!! I just stood there stunned all over again.

Amy's dad arrived a few minutes later and the car ride back was silent. The only conversation was when her dad asked us if we had a good time and if we bought anything. When he asked us that, I couldn't help but think about Fredrick's of Hollywood.

As soon as we were back at her house, I gathered up my belongings, gave her back the outfit she let me borrow and asked her dad if he'd drive me home. Amy grabbed me on my way to the car.

"Don't be mad at me. Please. I know you like Johnny and if I hadn't lied, you wouldn't be seeing him now."

She was right and I couldn't help but forgive her even though I was still angry.

"That's true! But! He's mad at me now and I don't know if I WILL see him again!"

She gave me a look that showed sympathy and I told her I'd call her later after I talked to Johnny. IF I talked to Johnny.


Joangel said...

I hope you tell Johnny how old you really are. It's not fair to the guys. There is a huge age difference between 13 and 16, as you well know.

~J said...

Yea, there definately is! Especially since he said they were 18 and 19!