Monday, June 21, 2010

Here we go again..

I finally got my footing and was able to walk the rest of the way to the seat O'Neil wanted to share. The bus ride began like it had so many times before. First, he would ignore me to talk to his friends and family, which I was thankful for, but as soon as the bus started moving he would turn his attention back towards me.

"How was your summer, bitch" He asked while he friends laughed at his vulgarity.

"Fine" I mumbled

"Aren't you even going to ask how mine was??"

"Oh... umm.. how was yours?" I asked, thinking if I kept him talking, he wouln't think about doing anything else to me.

"I thought about you the whole time! Did you cheat on me over the summer?!!!"

What?? Cheat on you?? Whatever fuck head... Is what I thought anyway, instead said nothing just kept staring at my shoes.

"Answer me when I talk to you!!!" He roared

"Nnnn..nnooo.. I didn't" I studdered

"That's a good bitch" He laughed, as his friends joined in.

Someone called his name and for the duration of the ride he was occupied with talking with them. The bus was pulling up to my stop so I stood to exit the seat.

"What? No goodbye kiss?"

I just froze. I didn't know what to do. I didn't turn to face him, but stood as I was with my side towards him. He grabbed my arm to swivel me around.

"Give me a kiss goodbye!" he demanded but I still didn't move.

"Seems like you're gonna have to just take it, man." His cousin said.

And with that, he pulled me to him and forced his tongue in my mouth. His hands moved up my legs exploring. I knew what he was trying to do, the same thing he did last time, so I pushed him away.

"Don't push me, bitch! I'll do what I want to you!" and with that, I felt the all too familiar sting on my face where his hand just was.

He had slapped me hard enough to push me back a few steps so I took advantage and ran off the bus. Vanessa was waiting for me on the sidewalk and the look on her face told me she saw everything.

"Are you O.K.?"

"Yea.. it just stings a little"

"I hate that asshole! I wish he would die!!"

"You and me both, Vanessa. More than you'll ever know..." I trailed off

She made idle chat while we walked to her house but once there, I didn't want to stay. Instead, I went home, I wanted to sit in my room by myself. I was surprised that my brother was home, normally he went to work after school.

"Hey" he acknowledge me as I walked in, without looking up from the T.V.

"Hey..what are you doin' home?" I muddered and walked across the room towards my bedroom.

"Oh I'm off tonight."

"Oh, O.K."

"Hey, J? Why's your face so red?"

"Oh! Umm.. I.. uhh, just bumped it getting off the bus"

"Ohh hahahahahhaha.. you're just as clumsy as Mom"

"Yea.. I guess" I said, the closed my door.

I threw my bag on the floor and laid across my bed. I hated school. No, I hated the bus ride. I liked school for the most part. But I still missed Carl. Things never progressed with us, I would never talk to him and I couldn't figure out why! I made a mental note that I would talk to him and try to reconnect our friendship, but I knew I really wouldn't. Laying there, I thought back to the summer and at least that put a smile on my face. I knew the bus situation was really getting to me because I would hardly talk to my parents anymore, I wasn't the happy kid I used to be, but I didn't know what to do! I couldn't imaging telling my parents, because I knew they would FLIP! And I didn't want any more issues at school. Their only other option would be to send me to a private school, which I definately didn't want either. But I HAD to figure out soemthing. I couldn't keep living like this.

Lost in my own thoughts, I drifted off to sleep.

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