Monday, June 28, 2010

Bad Christmas Gifts

The days turned into weeks as weeks turned into months and I fell into a routine with O'Neil. I pretty much knew how every morning and afternoon would go. In the mornings, he'd bother me from the minute he got on the bus. No one dared to try to sit with me anymore, afraid of what he'd do to them.

The afternoons, he would ignore me for the most part until the buses started moving then he would bother me. I learned to just go with whatever and not make a big deal about it. I knew what would happen if I pissed him off or embarrassed him in front of his friends. I would acknowledge him only when he asked me a direct question, otherwise, I'd try to keep to myself.

It was almost Christmas break time again and I was looking forward to it. Another Christmas and birthday with my family, and especially, 2 weeks away from him!

Christmas time came and went way too fast. Before I knew it, it was time to start school again. I dreaded going back, really, I just dreaded the bus rides. I was making new friends since Vanessa and I only had 1 class together. Amy and Leti had a few classes with me and we quickly became close. Amy was an 'Opps' child, her other siblings more than 10 years older than her, so her parents were older and gave her a lot of freedom. Leti, however, was the polar opposite. Her mom was a single Mother of 2 (Leti and her older brother) and worked a lot leaving Leti responsible for a lot of the things around the house. She didn't have a lot of free time, so we hardly hung out outside of school. We had made plans to get together for my birthday after school resumed since they both were unable to hang out on my actual birth day. Knowing we were going to be doing something fun that Friday night, I was keeping that in my mind to get me through the week.

That morning, I dressed in my new outfit. A skirt and a v-neck sweater. While it doesn't get really cold here in the Winter, it is a little chilly in the mornings so I thought it would be a great time to wear it. The morning's bus ride went just like any other day with the exception that O'Neil asked me what I got, if I missed him while we were apart, if I got him anything, etc. Of course, I didn't get him anything, and I used the excuse that I didn't have any money to.

That afternoon, I boarded the bus with the anticipation that the day would play out like so many other days had in the past. When I boarded, I saw O'Neil and automatically went to sit with him; no reason to keep fighting a losing battle, right? Uncharacteristically, he started talking to me right away. I would answer more in a mumble or grunt rather than words.

"Oh.. I forgot to tell you this morning.. I got you something" He said with a strange smile forming on his lips

"mmmm" I responded, trying to act like I was reading a book.

"You wanna see it now? Or wait til we start moving?"

"I don't care" I mumbled into my book

"I'll wait til we start moving" he smirked

Minutes later, the bus started its rocking and we began our ride home. I noticed the bus driver kept looking in his mounted mirror, glancing back towards us but I couldn't figure out why. My thoughts were interrupted by a hand placed on my knee. I looked down and saw that it was O'Neil's. Who's else would it have been, stupid? I thought to myself. I stared at the hand not knowing how I should respond. Should I push him away and risk getting hit or leave it alone? I decided to leave it be, I really wasn't in the mood to be hit. Plus, I was running out of excuses to tell my family why I was always red or bruised.

He hand slowing edged it's way up my thigh and in between my legs. I reached down and put my hand on top of his, urging him to stop. He leaned towards me and whispered, "What have I told you about telling me no?". Though it was a whisper, I could feel the anger rising in his words, so I didn't push his hand away any more. His hand continued to edge higher and higher until I could feel his fingers tracing the hem of my underwear. My body was reacting accordingly despite my mind fighting it. I hated my body. The physical part of me was enjoying the touch, but the rest of me wanted to cry, push him away and throw up.

"Damn, you're so hot down there" he groaned in my ear

"Please.. don't..." I begged

"I bet you're getting wet, aren't you?" He ignored my pleas

I hated my body more and more each second. Why was it enjoying this? Why can't my mind over ride the hormones????

He pushed the hem of my underwear aside and I could feel the flesh of his fingers against my virgin skin. I slammed my eyes shut, hoping this was all a dream. A horrible dream and I'd wake up soon.

"Shit! You're making me so hard. I want to fuck you so bad. That's going to be your gift" I whimpered at the sound of his voice. I could smell the sweat coming from his body and I resisted throwing up once again. I opened my eyes, I wanted to see if anyone was watching. Thankfully, no one was paying attention and since I was sitting near the window and he had turned sideways to face me, no one could really see what was going on anyway. I looked around, then towards the bus driver with pleading eyes. He met my gaze and gave me a crooked evil smile. I couldn't believe me eyes!! Was the bus driver in on it too?

O'Neil's fingers explored my body under my panties and my body responded again. A new sensation was washing over me and I had no idea what it was. A part of me was still enjoying it, no matter how much I tried to fight it. He spread my lips with his fingers and found my clit. I couldn't help but gasp. Now I was sweating uncontrollably. I reached down and grabbed his hand, I had to make him stop whether my body enjoyed it or not, I hated him touching me. I felt dirty and ashamed. When I did, his other hand came out of nowhere and grabbed me by the hair.

"Haven't you learned your lesson?? DON'T STOP ME!" he roared

"Stop it! Stop touching me! I don't like it!"

"Yea.. well.. your body isn't saying that"

"I don't care what my body says, I say no!"

He let go of my hair and slapped me. The tears welled up in my eyes instantly. Not just because it stung, but because I was embarressed. I looked around, but still, no one paid us any attention except the bus driver. He still had that stupid evil smile on his face. O'Neil followed my gaze and stopped at the driver. They exchanged nods and the driver laughed "Go Neil!!" he said.

Thankfully, my stop was near and I stood up, pushing his hands out of my panties in the process. O'Neil glared at me, "We'll continue this tomorrow" he sneered as I left the bus.

3 comments: said...

plz post soon, and i sure hope you put an end to this before it got any worse.

Fefita said...

I agree with sweetcanadian! 110%.

~J said...

Haha ya'll are funny :) Yes, it does come to an end eventually, but you'll just have to wait a little longer. :)