Monday, March 15, 2010

Ugh.. bloggers!

O.K., so this might sound stupid or rude or just retarded.. but! I have a few blogs that I read and yes, I read them 'cus I think they're good/interesting.
Some are fictional, while others are true-life... either way, when someone buts up a blog schedule.. it would be nice to actually follow it!!!!!!!!
I understand that sometimes 'real' life gets in the way, and I'm O.K. with that as long as it really is SOMETIMES! However, I've come across a few blogs lately that state that they have a blog schedule and NEVER stick to it!! Every time they are supposed to post a new entry.. it's always... ohhh.. something came up, but I promise to post tomorrow! But tomorrow never comes! The next day, it's the same old thing!
I know ppl don't get paid to do this, and it's really just for our entertainment, but come on. No one MADE you make a schedule, you choose to! So stick with it or take it off so we won't be expecting a post! It really is annoying!!
As you can see on my blog, I don't have a posting schedule b/c I know that I can't commit to posting often.
Jesus.. just post or just stop all together! The excuses are really just B.S. now..
O.K. enough of my bitching.............................................

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