Tuesday, March 2, 2010

5 days and counting..

Well, it's been 5 days since OB texted mom and said he wanted a 'come to Jesus' meeting, yet, he hasn't followed up. I'm begining to think that while HE may want it.. Bitch-in-law doesn't and he's just going along with her again... like always.

I SOOO want to IM him and be like WTF?!?! Are you REALLY that much of a pussy that you'll LET your wife keep you from your family?? Or do we really mean that little to you, that you're willing to just throw your family away for her??

Idk.. but it's starting to really bother me again and I hate it. I hate drama and it seems that ever since she's come into the picture thats all there is. Before her, if there was some misunderstanding or any issues, either we would call him or he would call us that day. It wouldn't take days.. weeks.. or like in this case.. 9 months and counting. It would be over before it really even started.

I have come to realize that if I want to see him or my neices, I have to deal with her, and I'm willing to do that.... to some extent. I will still be polite to her, however, if she gets in my face or my mom's again.. well.. she's free game. I'm tired of me and my family being treated like 2nd class citizens by her. Always being blamed for EVERY... SINGLE... SITUATION!

I miss the days when life was so fun and carefree and when I actually had a real brother.

I've been trying to blog more often.. but really, not much happens around here except for this stupid family crap. Maybe I'll start a fictional blog.. maybe that would be more interesting hahahahaah

Anyway.. TTFN :)

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