Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Things that make you go 'hmmm'.....

Ok.. so I'm sitting outside on my porch with my laptop and smoking a cigarette. It's cold as shit out, but since I can't smoke inside.. well.. I just have to endure it.

Anyway,... so I'm sitting out here chatting online with my friend ~K~, discussing the new blog we're starting and all I notice that theres some racket coming from the neighbors house behind us. (our backyards touch) I remember they were doing some bathroom remodeling a while ago.. but it's been at least 3 months ago and I'm sure they're finished. Maybe new ppl are moving in since it's a rental property?

While I'm pondering this.. I hear the strangest noise. It's going errrrrrrkkkk. It reminds me of hydrolics. Like a dump truck that has hydrolics for the bed. Ok.. now WTF would my neighbors need a hydrolic truck for? Especially at 10pm???? And why is it in their backyard??

I tried going out and peering over the fence... but I'm short.. it's dark.. and I can't see a damn thing. Hmmmmm... guess it's just another 1 of those life mysteries I'll never know about....

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