Monday, January 25, 2010

My Soup Box

Well.. this month is almost over already. Time sure is flying by. I still haven't found work (sigh) which totally sucks. I'm starting to really stress now, to the point that I think I've given myself an ulcer. The market is still really bad in the area that I'm trying to find work. So, I decided to branch out a little, still no luck. Finally out of desperation, I went for whatever I could find. This has been probably the hardest time I've EVER had finding a job. The places I really want to work for all have hiring freezes (gov't jobs), other places I'm under qualified, and now I'm being told I'm OVER qualified for the last resort jobs. They said they didn't want to hire me because they feel i'm over qualified for the position and would get bored quick and end up quitting soon and that's an expense they can't afford. (Having to spend the time and money to train me, just for me to quit in a month or so.) SO! I'm still looking.. hoping.. and praying something comes my way and SOON!!

On another note.. I'm gonna jump on my soap box for a few. Sorry ahead of time if this offends anyone. If you don't like.. stop reading.

I am sick and tired of hearing about Haiti!!!!!!! I'm sorry that they had an Earthquake. I'm sorry many people lost their life. I'm sorry there are orphaned children.. I'm sorry their Country is in ruin. BUT COME ON!!!! Get over it already! I don't know if its the media's fault or what.. but I'm just so sick and tired of hearing about it everywhere I go, everything I see, everything I listen to. It's always the same shit.... "help haiti, donate now"..."help haiti,, adopt now".. "help haiti, send money now" OMG!! STFU already! UGH!
I'm so tired of America sticking their noses in everyone else's business! Trying to bail out everyone and their brother whenever something happens. Look what happened with Indonesia few years back! They didn't want shit from us when they had their Tsunami, but our food and supplies. They basically told us.. leave the goods and get the hell out. But yet.. we keep on. OUR country is in trouble right now.. is anyone helping us? NO! We have tons of 'home grown' children that need adopted.. do the people here adopt them? NO.. We have families that have lost everything due to lossing their jobs. They have no home, hardly any clothes, no jobs, have to live in shelters.. but do we help them? NO.. We have homeless men, women and children in every city of every state.. is there someone helping them? NO! WE are currently going through a major fianancial crisis, yet somehow.. we are able to help other countries????? WTF?! Oh I know.. they'll just jack up our taxes to help pay for it.. GREAT!! Cus really.. THATS what we need! More freakin taxes to pay for shit we can hardly pay for now! UGHHHH! Where has OUR country gone? What has happened to the once Great United States of America? We are now just the laughing stock of the rest of the planet. No one fears us anymore. We are no longer the great and powerful nation we used to be. We are becoming a sad and poor country and that makes me sad. Sad and worried.

Makes me wonder.. would I want to bring a child into this world? What will their life be like in 30 years?? What will this country be like in 30 years? Sometimes I think about leaving it all behind and starting over in a new place. A new country. But WHAT country? While we are not as financial stable as some countries.. we are definately better off than others.. So what is the lesser to 2 evils?

Sometimes I wish it was back to the way it was in the 50's and 60's. People respected eachother. People respected and feared the police. Not viewing them as the enemy, but as the protector. Everyone knew right from wrong and most tried to do right all of the time. A time when it was accepted and EXPECTED to spank your child when they did wrong.. hell.. even the neighbors would spank each others children if they caught them doing wrong. I know I got it a few times. Now, you can't even pop them on the butt without the fear of someone turning you in for child abuse. There were less robberies, less murders, less unwanted babies. It was rare to see young girls pregnant.. now it's so common. You can walk into any High School now and see at least 1 girl expecting. At LEAST one.. not to mention middle school. Children are committing horrendous crimes of all types. Being tried as adults for murder! WHY? Why are the children even DOING that to being with? What went wrong?? Where did it all go so wrong?

When did the priorities in this country change? When was saving a old pine tree more important than saving people? When did it become more important to save a chicken from slaughter more important than the welfare of people? When did it shift that saving a rain forrest is more important than saving a life? When did it change that the citizens of the U.S. have less rights than the illegals that sneak in? Why is it so important to cater to the people that have issue with the words "In God We Trust", want those words out of our Judicial Branches, schools, etc.. but yet.. those same people have NO problems spending and getting OUR money that has it on it? Why do we let those same people have any right to say we should take down the American flag on our soil and put up theirs? If you don't like it.. then get the fuck out of AMERICA! Go back to whatever dirt poor country you came from if you think it's so god damn great! This is America damnit! I also believe that the Pledge should be said EVERY morning in EVERY school, as well as sing the song "America the Beautiful". We need to have more people in office, making decisions that benefits America. People that are PROUD to be American and refuse to relinguish to anyone. People that are not afraid to take a stand. We need another president like R. Reagan! He didn't take crap. He said.. (in not exact words) that if he became president, the middle east would have only 24 hrs to release the POW's or we would bomb the shit out of them. He wasn't playing.. and you know what? He didn't even have a chance to take office before it happened. They realized he was going to win and they acted! They feared him and US! I want that back! Do you guys realize the U.S. money isn't worth what it used to be? If you don't believe me.. go look up the currency exchange rates. Our country is slowly.. (well maybe not so slowly) going to shit! We need to take a stand and say we're not gonna put up with that shti anymore!

I'm tired of not being able to say Merry Christmas! I'm not saying that other cultures and religions shouldn't be able to practice their religion. What I'm saying is, why do WE always have to give in? This country was build on the foundation of GOD... Christmas has ALWAYS been Christmas, not a 'Holiday'. It has always been a Christmas Tree! NOT a Holiday Tree. We sing Christmas Carols, not HOLIDAY songs. These same people that bitch about 'Christmas' are the same ones that take advantage of all the Christmas sales, Christmas vacations, Christmas everything! Ohhh and when their company gives them a Christmas bonus.. do they hand it back and say.. No thanks. That offends me. NO! THEY DONT! They keep it and skip all the way to the fucking bank! UGH!!!

Ok,.. well.. that's enough of my bantering right now. The more I think about it, the more pissed I get. I just want to end by saying.. I will not go down quietly. I will take a stand. I will invoke my 2nd Amendment and protect myself, my family and my friends. I will stand tall and proud to be an American until the day I die, and if I die while trying to protect my freedom, so be it. At least when I'm dying I can say that I didn't sit idle and I at least tried.

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