Thursday, December 31, 2009

To the new year..

Well.. the new year is coming quick... quicker than I expected really. It makes me think back on this past year. Thoughts of joy and sadness, exciting times and days full of aggravation.
One of my fondess memories of this year was the road trip I took with my best friend back in Febuarary. We went to visit some of her family in a little town in Indiana. Even though we had my GPS with us, we still somehow managed to get lost a few times. Aside from the occasional pissy words (mostly me) we laughed all the way up there and back. Drove through weird weather (us Floridians don't know what sleet is), met interesting people, and had many great laughs. How can I explain my BF. Well.. lets put it this way, she's older than me, but when we're together sometimes, we end up acting like a couple of giddy kids high on sugar. We laugh our asses off at the dumbest things, decide crazy ideas are worth a shot, and then die laughing when it doesn't work out so well. We've had our ups and downs, but all in all.. at the end of the day she's still my best friend and I wouldn't change that (or her) for the world.

My saddest memory for this year is when my brother stopped talking to us. In the begining I was mad, then sad after a few weeks, then back to mad again. I'm still on the mad part. I'm not going to get into all the details, but I will just sum it up by saying this: If he can turn his back on his own family over something so trivial, then I don't need him or his wife in my life. Enough said.

I have graduated college (finally) and am still looking for a job. The market is just so bad right now, between the economy and the Holiday's, but I'm sure I'll find something soon. {sigh} I just can't wait to start workings, get a new car and move back out into my own place. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents. But after a certain age (and experiencing living on your own) it's hard sometimes living with other adults, ESPECIALLY your parents.

My birthday was a few days after Christmas and my folks took me out to dinner. I was to pick a place and decided on Texas de Brazil. Let me just say.. that place is freakin AWESOME!! If you've never tried it, I suggest that you do. It's about $50 a person but well worth it. It's not a buffet style place, but it's still all you can eat. Waiters come around with different kinds of meat, cooks array of different ways and just walk up to your table and ask you if you want anything. I swear I ate like 4 filets!! They just melt in your mouth! Anyway.. that place is now my #1 favorite resturant.

For a belated bday gift.. I got a fractured foot! Yay me! So now I'm hobbling around like a gimp with this stupid boot on. Oh! Did anyone know that it's illegal to drive with it on?? Another yay for me since it's my right foot. So I've been keeping the driving down to a minimum and take it off when I absolutely HAVE to drive. Dr. said it isn't too bad so I might be able to take it off in about 2 wks. Luckily, the swelling is keeping it all in place so it just has to heal.

Looks like I'll be bringing in the New Year with my foot propped up on some pillows in the living room with the folks. What a way to bring in the New Year......

1 comment:

Fefita said...

OMG! I know EXACTLY how you feel! 4 days after my 16th birthday, I broke my FEMUR bone. The hardest bone in the body to break. I broke it!