Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting started...

Well, I am what most ppl would call a noob when it comes to blogging. I figure hell.. I have so much going on inside my head (life, career, family, college, love,..blah blah blah) I might as well blog about it and see if others are going thru the same.

Wanna know a little about me?? Here it goes....
I'm a newly 30 y/o single girl living in not-always-sunny Florida. Hmm.. how to explain Florida for those who do not live here. HOT! HUMID! BORING! If you live here, the excitement of the theme parks fade quickly and becomes more of an annoyance then anything.

I'm the baby in the family with both an older sister and older brother. Those are stories for another time.....

I have never been married and don't have any little ones runnin' around.. maybe one day.

I'm currently finishing up my BA (FINALLY) in Criminal Justice and hope to be working in that field real soon. Will I EVER find a job in my field? God.. these employment freezes need to be lifted SOOONNN!!!

Well that's gonna be all for right now.. like I said, I'm just getting started. Hope you all come back and read some more.. whenever I get more written!! :)
Please feel free to comment on any of my blogs, I love feedback of all kinds!!
Have a great night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW... I just found your blog and you have some interesting stuff going on. So are you preggers, or not? I hope all turns out OK.