Tuesday, July 14, 2009

family drama

Ohhh where to begin.
So my brother (from here on out referred to as OB for older bro of course!!), whom I've always been close to is no longer speaking to me or our folks. His wife (from here on out referred to as bitch-in-law) is a major douche and we can't stand her. We tolerated her for 10 yrs and now b/c we stood up to her, her bad attitude and constant snide remarks he's pissed at us. She treats him like shit, like he's a child. Grounding him b/c she saw him smoking! WTF?!? SHE smoked! UGH!
He said that we've always been mean to her. That I'VE always been rude to her, going off on her and such. I have NEVER done that. Not that I haven't wanted to, don't get me wrong, but I never did. My folks would have been super pissed at me if I had. There aren't too many ppl that I can honestly say that I hate in this world. But I really hate her.

I'll give you examples of why I detest her so much. They aren't in any order, just what I remember.
Not long after they were married, my Dad and I were asked to come over and help move some of their things before the movers got there the next day. (My mom was told she wasn't allowed to come b/c she takes control of situations and my Bitch-In-Law said it was her stuff and no one was going to tell her how to pack) Anyhoo.... So there I am, sitting in the dinning room putting her glassware into boxes and she says 'hey ~J, we need to talk'. I'm like O.K., whats up? She says "you need to realize OB has a family now, you don't need to come around anymore" I was like WTF??! he has a FAMILY NOW? WTF have WE been for the last 25 yrs?? I was so mad!! How would any of YOU dealt with that. I wanted to punch her in the face.. but of course, to keep the 'family peace' I didn't.

OHHH before all THAT!! Lets talk about their wedding... I was a bridesmaid, but I wasn't allowed to ride with the rest of them, I had to drive myself. EVEN THOUGH they passed directly in front of my house to get there. Anyway..
So bitch-in-law was so strung up on pain med's she didn't do much of the planning or work for the wedding. She asked my mom to sew the attire for the wedding party INCLUDING the wedding dress. (they had a themed wedding) So of course my mom did. ALL OF IT!! My mom also got the food, had it catered, made the decorations, even did all the flowers. All the bride and groom had to do was find a DJ, get the cake and the location. So after the wedding and after the reception we all packed up to leave. The whole wedding party comes back to my folk's place to change. Before they leave, B-I-L asks if I would return some of the things that were rented, I said sure! She says, call when you're done, we'll tell you where we are so I can get the receipts, I said O.K. np. I call on my way back and she says they are at a pub, 1 light down from my folk's house. I get there, and they are having a 'reception' there!! All of HER friends and family are there, but none of my family was invited. Nice, huh?

So, when my oldest niece was born, I was already in my mid 20's and in the medical field. I've never been a drinker (don't like the taste), don't have a police record, am not a druggy. So 1 day when my niece was about... 5 B-I-L needs a babysitter, I offer. I am told that I'm not RESPONSIBLE enough to babysit. HOWEVER a 16 y/o girl they barely know from a gymnastics place is however. Again, nice huh?

Not many months after the wedding, B-I-L calls a 'family meeting', though I'm not allowed to sit in it. She wants to tell my mom how she took over and ruined the whole wedding. HELLO DOUCHEBAG!! She only did what you TOLD her to do!!

B-I-L is Jewish, my family is not. But B-I-L decides that she now wants to celebrate both holidays. Christmas time is interesting. Somehow.. it has become ALL ABOUT what B-I-L wants. Everything has to be on HER schedule. This past yr, she decided that she's making a 'new' tradition and if anyone wants to see HER family on Christmas, they must come to them. So that the kids had something to open from us on that morning, my folk's sent OB and B-I-L almost $300 to buy gifts from us with. It's not like we were being unreasonable. Since the girls were born we know that Christmas morning is important. So, since OB and the girls get up so early all the time anyway, Christmas AM wouldn't be different. So we said, oh just come around noon or 1, no biggie. But that's still not O.K. with her. Though for the past 30-some odd years, Christmas day has always been spent at my family's house. WTF?! If you're Jewish WTF do you care!? UGH!! She makes me so mad. so we call that morning to wish a Merry Christmas to them all and mom gets on the phone with oldest niece. Mom asks "so what did Grandma give you this year?" and niece says "nothing" Mom says WHAT?? What did your baby sister get from us? Niece: "a push popper thing" mom: WHAT?! Go ask mommy where the presents from grandma and grandpa are!! and put daddy on the phone!! Needless to say after that, we didn't get to see any of them. B-I-L kept the rest of the money and bought 1 $5 present for the baby. OOOOO effin' big deal!

God I could go on and on and on and on about the things she has said and done, but I'll stop now. You get the point.

I dk why she has to act this way. Now they won't even let my folks see their grand kids. My oldest nieces bday party is this coming weekend and of course we didn't even get an invite. However, my grandparents, who live in ANOTHER STATE got one.. WHATEVER!

So how would YOU like her after just a few of these examples?

I know that OB is also to blame. Since he doesn't see anything wrong with what she does. He sticks up for her and says we are the ones that start it all...
again WHATEVER!!!!!

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