Friday, March 9, 2012

Car Repairs

Let me start off saying I kinda hate my car. I loved it when I 1st bought it.. for like 2 months. Then things just kept being wrong with it. Just stupid shit, but expensive to repair b/c it didn't fall under the warranty.
It's technically an 'old' car. It's a 1999 Kia Sportage soft top. In some ways it's really cool.. but expense wise.. it really sucks. It looks just like the 1 in the pic, except mine is green. Not like lime green or anything, but more like a deep emerald green.
Anyhow, I bought it brand new and in the almost 13 yrs that I've had it it's been 1 expense after another. I'll admit, I don't take good care of my cars. I forget to get oil changes until the check engine light comes on, I forget to get gas until the gas light comes on, I don't even think about getting tires until either 1 goes flat or I notice metal sticking thru them. I'm sorry.. I'm a girl. I just don't think about those things. My thing is.. I forget. I forget a LOT of things. So, if you don't remind me or bitch at me to do it, I won't remember. Well.. my car doesn't talk.. though it would be cool if it did! I've always wanted a Transformer car lol. (Hmm.. I take that back. I'd be afraid of what it would say b/c all the things I've done in that car lol)
For the past yr or 2, I haven't really needed to drive it all that much. My dad takes pity on me so he drives it to the airport and parks it while he's away and I take his truck. Someone is almost always home at my house and I just use 1 of their cars if I need/want to go anywhere.
Well, my dad has been telling for a looonnngg time that I need to get it in and have the spark plugs changed. I couldn't even tell you IF they've ever been replaced in the 13 yrs I've had it. I called around and the lowest price I could get was the Tire Kingdom by my house. I never even thought about going there. I mean, DUH.. it's called TIRE Kingdom. I just assumed they did tires only. Stupid me.
So, 1 afternoon I dropped my car off and the guy working the counter, Bruce, was really nice and asked me all these questions I had no answer to. Sorry dude,.. I don't speak mechanic. I tossed him my keys when he said we were done and that he'd call me after they took a look.
Let me just say.. I don't 'usually' go prowling for mechanics. Yea.. I've had my fun with a mechanic before (see: Past Lovers blog - Mr. Just Breaks) but that was a 1 time thing. But there was something about Bruce. For a lack of a better description.. he was hot. Light eyes, dark hair, tall, thin and all around yummy. We joked around here and there but that was it and I left. My luck lately when I meet a guy is either 1) he's already taken 2) too old/young to date 3) is a professor at my school and can't date. (yes.. #3 is really currently a professor at my college and when we first met was in the parking lot. My school shares the building with 4 other companies so we both could have been going to some place else.. unfortunately we weren't)
Bruce called me about an hr later to explain the current health status of my car. There was like 6 things wrong and before he found some 'discounts' and coupons it was going to be over $400. Ech. That sucked. After discounts and coupons, he got it down to a little over $200. How nice! I told him to do it and let me know when it was done. He called a few hrs later to tell me I could pick it up and I did. More joking/flirting ensued but I was with my parents (dad was picking up the bill thank GOD) so that was all. Bruce told me about a few other things they found but said it wasn't vital that I get them fixed now. We said our goodbyes and we left.
But I couldn't stop thinking about him. I liked his personality. He laughed at my corny jokes and smart ass comments and I laughed at his. I had to see him again.
Dad had to get the A/C belt fixed on his truck. He had planned on just taking it back to the dealership but asked me to call Tire Kingdom the next day to see if they'd do it cheaper. My luck!?? Bruce answered the phone.
me: Hey, I'm not sure you remember me.. I'm sure you see tons of ppl everyday, but you worked on my Kia last night....
Him: OH! Hey! Yep, I remember you. What can I do for you? Is there something wrong?
Me: Nope, it's good. Just had a question about an a/c belt for a Chevy Avalanche.
He gave me his prices, which were suprisingly more than the dealership. I asked if they did price comparisons and they did. He also said he'd throw in a free oil change. SOLD! Instead of being able to just drop it off, I had to wait for it since there was no one to pick me up. I didn't mind. It just meant I was able (possibly) to talk to Bruce more. Unfortunately, the store manager was there and kept Bruce busy. Only time I got to talk to him was when he checked the car in and checked the car back out to me. Damn. Plan failed. How was I going to see him again???
2 wks later I decide that my breaks needed checking. You seriously had to push the damn pedal to the floor to get it to stop. Was that normal??? I couldn't remember. I hadn't driven the car in over 6 months. It was time to go see Bruce again. On my way home from a job interview on Wed. (2 days ago) I pulled into Tire Kingdom's parking lot hoping he was working. He saw me pulling in, in my dad's truck and came out to great me.
Him: what do you want?!? (he asked laughing)
Me: Dont get shitty with me. I'm making your paycheck. I know you've missed me (as I laughed back)
I go on to inquire about prices for my breaks. He gives me prices and walks me back to my car asking when I'll be bringing it in... would it be that day? I told him I had other things going on but I could bring it by tomorrow (Thursday). He informed me that he was working 7am til 5pm so to bring it in sometime during those hours. Now the shop is open from 7am til 9pm. Was he flirting with me? I couldn't tell.
Thurs. came (technically this morning though it's now after midnight) and I didn't even get out of bed until after 11am. When I stress out, my shoulders ache like crazy and I get a headache. Well, after that interview on Wed. I had been super stressed since. (I think I totally bombed the interview.. sad cus I really wanted the job). When I woke up this morning, my shoulders hurt so bad it hurt too much to even raise my arms up to brush my teeth. My head was pounding, my jaws hurt (I also grind my teeth and clench my jaws when I stress), and I felt like I had just come down from a wk of hard drinking. My face was all puffy and all I wanted to do was down 1/2 a bottle of Aleve and go back to bed. No such luck. I had things to do.
By 1pm I was finally feeling a little better and decided to drop my car off. Bruce was there to greet me but he wasn't very chatty. Maybe b/c my mom was with me? Idk. We joked a little but nothing like before. I shrugged it off, signed what I had to and left to go have lunch with my mom. By the time he called back to tell me what was wrong (long list off shit again) but my mom had left and I had no one to drive me back up there when it was done. He offered to pick me up, I thanked him but declined. I didn't want to put him out any. He said he'd call back when the repairs were finished. In the mean time, I had to pick my dad up at work by 4:30. (he had surgery and isn't allowed to drive for 12 wks). Got back home about 5, mom was still out and Bruced called back to tell me my car was ready. Told him that I still didn't have a ride up there, that I'd have to wait until tomorrow if that was O.K. He again offered to pick me up.
Me: Nawww.. that's O.K. I dont' want to put you out any. Plus, you got off at 5...
Him: Really! It's fine! I don't mind! Give me directions. (I gave him directions) That's not far at all. I'll be there in a few minutes
I thanked him again and hung up. I got ready, grabbed my purse and headed out to wait in the drive way. Just as I was about to push the button to open the garage door.. my mom came home.
SHIT SHIT SHIT!! Couldn't she have waited another 10 minutes! Fuck it. I'm not calling him back.
Her and I chatted a few minutes and she went inside, saying she'd be back out in a few. Before she came out tho, Bruce pulled up in his big ass Dodge Ram pick up. This thing was a monster. It looked like he had a lift kit on it cus it was jacked up off the ground super high. I walked over to the passenger door as he leans over to open it for me while saying hi.
Me: holy crap man! Do you have a ladder to get in this thing? (I'm only 5'2". The door handle was higher than my head)
Him: (laughing) you need a boost??
Me: Seriously dude.. did you need to bring a vehicle I can't get into? Oh.. thankfully you have a runner to step on and an oh shit handle to pull my ass up.. otherwise I'd be shit outta luck! (still laughing)
I finally get in and close the door.
Me: My mom showed up about 5 min after we hung up but I didn't have a way to call you back to tell you you didn't need to make the trip. Thank you tho. It's really nice of you.
Him: No problem. I don't mind at all.
Him: Wow. You smell really good!!
Me: (blushing) Thanks. I had been out back playing with my dogs and was getting all sweaty. I didn't want to stink up your car (laugh)
Him: Sweaty can be good (he turns and looks at me)
Me: (blushing again) Yea.. it can be when you have a good reason.... (pause) but I don't have a good reason. Well.. not a FUN good reason. (I shoot him a look out of the corner of my eye and he smiles)
We had idle chitchat on the way. He asks me how long we've lived there, if I had any kids (me no, him yes. 4 yr old boy). I find out he's originally from a small town in Indiana, moved down when he was 12, and swapped some funny stories about Indiana. (I had been there once a few yrs ago) We chatting about other things until we got back to the shop. It was no 5:30. He had been off work for 1/2 hr, but yet picked me up anyway. Was he trying to tell me something? Was he interested?? I still didn't know for sure. I wanted to ask him out.. but I didn't know if he had a girlfriend. I was hoping not, I mean.. that would be pretty shitty of him if he was doing this and had a g/f. Wasn't like he used a work vehicle to pick me up.. not like I was aware that they did 'pick ups' for anyone else.
We got back to the shop and I followed him in to pay. There was another customer in there getting checked out and Bruce was all professional. As I was leaving, I told him I owed him lunch or dinner for giving me discounts again. He smiled and said O.K. I didn't want him to think I was just bullshitting, so I turned back to the counter and said "No, I really mean it. You have my cell. Call me. I'll take you to lunch.. or dinner or whatever. Seriously.. call me"
He said O.K. and I left.
Will he call??? I have no idea. Do I want him to??! HELL YES!! Will he end up as another post for Past Lovers? Maybe :D But I think this time, I'd really like to have a relationship with him.
Wish me luck!!!!!!

3 comments: said...

You think i would find this boring? After our "chat" the other day i find this very interesting. He must have something if you actually want to date him. That just says something right there.

Let's hope this goes somewhere :)

We are all going to tower over you. I am 5'6" so won't be too bad but geno is 5'10" (if you ask he says 5'11" lol) & austin is 5'9" now but will be taller by then lol.

~J said...

I know!! I actually want to date a guy instead of well.. other things lol. Maybe I'm finally growing up :D

I'm so used to being the 'runt'. Everyone I know is taller than me by a min. of 6 inches (except my mom who's only like 1 inch taller than me). Maybe thats why my neck hurts all the time? Having to constantly look up to talk to ppl haha said...

Ha ha well i am only 4 inches above u so you wont have to strain so hard. My son on the other hand........