Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Things that piss me off (caution)

**Warning** This will probably be a really sensitive subject for some. It's not to hurt anyone's feelings or piss anyone off. But I had to get this off my chest.

I hate when you (you meaning general ppl.. or usually it means me lol) make an innocent statement and it gets turned all around. Example: on fb there's this thing going around about how if you imput the last 3 #'s of your cell in a comment it will appear as a name. Like: @[792:0], it gave me: Ekua K. Nkyekyer. So I responded to a friends post and did it with a comment that said: "umm wtf kind of name is THAT?? Sounds like I come from Africa or something..." and within seconds this chick comes at me about it. Apparently she was born in a small town in Africa or something, I really dk, nor do I care. But she's all.." nothing wrong with coming from Africa bro...what kinda name did u want? James Camron?" O.K... from that I took away feeling like she was insulted and had to insult me by giving me a more 'american' name. Though, other ppl had commented and said stuff about their name.. 1 person said something about how she had an Italian sounding name.. but did SHE get attacked? NO. And the 1 that attacked me.. who claims she's from Africa.. got the name Kathryn Andersen but did I attack her b/c of it? B/c she had a 'american' name. No.. I didn't.

So guys, was I in the wrong with what I commented? Was I being racist or something? Cause to me, I wasn't.... but that doesn't mean that someone else wouldn't take it that way.

It's shit like that that pisses me off. Why do ppl have to pull the race card when what was said (to me anyway) wasn't racist. I really had to stop, breathe, and think about what to respond to her b/c I was PIISSEEDD! And when I'm angry, I spout off at the mouth quickly and hit below the belt. So after collecting my thoughts, this is what I responded: 'Never said anything was wrong with it, was only referring to the name I got, that is all. Nothing more.' Of course she hasn't said anything since. A part of me hopes she does cus I'm always ready for a fight.. but the other part hopes that she doesn't b/c I know how I can get and I really don't want to get into a pissing match with some chick I don't even know who currently lives in Canada and I will never meet. She really isn't worth my time or even to be pissed about.. but it still rubs me the wrong way when ppl HAVE to always throw in race.

Another thing that pisses me off, which also goes along with race is politics. I am a republican. I don't hide it, I'm proud to be a republican. If you're a democrat, that's cool. No party affiliation, that's cool too. I really don't care as long as we all make decisions that are whats best for the country. So.. why is it that when someone who isn't a republican finds out that you (me) ARE a republican, you are automatically a racist who hates blacks and the poor? (Most often it has been black democrats that have called me that)

I think it's time for those who think that way get a quick history lesson.
1) Whites didn't sell you into slavery. Your own ppl did from Africa. They would raid villages and towns and take who ever they could catch to trade with whites for our guns and weapons and anything else we had that they wanted.

2) The majority of the black population is democrat. Who freed the slaves? Republicans. Who DIDN'T want to free the slaves? Democrats. Who fought to give freed slaves voting rights? Republicans. Who would stand at voting halls and threaten to beat or kill blacks who tried to vote? Democrats. Who fought to get freed slaves land of their own? Republicans. So look.. republicans weren't the problem, don't blame us. If you want anyone to blame, blame your own.

3) Vertus Hardiman. Not familiar with him? Look him up, there's videos about him. In a nutshell, when he was 5, in 1927, his parents took him to a county hospital to have experiments done on him for money. The experiments were for radiation. He spent over 80 years with a hole on the top of his head, it never healed. HIS PARENTS DID THAT for money. Apparently money was worth more than their child's health. No white men came and kidnapped that poor boy from his family, forcing his parents to give him up at gun point. Nope, they went voluntarily.

Lastly, I get that slavery was bad. People were treated horribly. Some were killed. Some had worse fates than death. Yes, it was by the hands of white folks. But we saw the error of our ways and fix it. There hasn't been slaves since 1865.

July 1862, Lincoln mentioned his Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet. Jan. 1863 he put the law into effect. April, 1865 all slaves who were not yet freed, were freed. So please.. stop using slavery as a argument. It was 147 yrs ago. No one in your family that is still alive has ever been a slave. Stop blaming the whole world for it. No one alive today had anything to do with it.

Just b/c I'm not black doesn't mean my family hasn't been descriminated against. My family tree is a mix of backgrounds. On my mother's side is Italians and Scottish. My fathers side is American Indian and Irish. I'm a mutt. All of which have been called names, been descriminated against and hated. Look what the English did to my American Indian ansestors. Barged into American, stole their land and killed them if they wouldn't give it up.

My SIL is Jewish. Her mother (my neices grandma) was born in a concentration camp. My SIL's grandmother had her ID# tatoo on her when she died. She (and her sister) were 1 of the lucky ones that made it out of Auschwitz alive. However, thier mother, grandmother, brother and father weren't. They had to stand there and watch them being led in like cattle to the gas chambers. They were only children at the time.

Every background has had their fair share of misery and hardships. But you don't see me going around blaming 'whites' for how they treated my family tree. My SIL and her mother don't go around blaming the world for killing their family and it was a hell of a lot more recent than slavery. (the last camp was closed in 1947)

So, my point is not to 'get over it' b/c it's a part of history, it's a part of someone's family tree, it was someone's loved one. But please.. for God's sake.. stop making EVERYTHING about racism. Stop pulling 'the race card'. Stop blaming everything that's wrong with the world on shit that happen almost 200 years ago. Stop blaming 'the whites' for everything. Stop blaming the republicans for everything. It happened, yes. But it isn't happening now. We have a black president for Christ sake. Obviously we aren't as 'racist' as you claim we are.

That is all.

5 comments: said...

This sounds like the way it is up here except with "indians" (they are not native americans in canada). I'm sorry, i know they were treated horrible hundreds of years ago but that has NOTHING to do with now.

Most people sit on their ass all day drinking & smoking (yes i have seen it for myself over n over) while the government pays them. We live in the middle of a whole bunch of reserves & it is so sad that 2 days after welfare checks go out they are at walmart returning diapers for their kids because they spent too much money drinking.

There are seriously only about 15% of their population who have an honest to goodness job.

I went to school with a bunch, out of 12 only 5 completed the course but did not graduate college, the others dropped out. They got it paid for so they went only so they could stay on welfare while people who really wanted the course were turned away because it was full.

They are the most racist people ever while calling white people racist. I hate how white people get such a bad rap for what happened years & years ago. None of those people are alive today, to play on that card is sad really. Honestly around here it is just a card to have everything for free because they are "entitled" no lie.

Most of them are in gangs, have alcohol & drug problems, procreate to stay on welfare. I could go on n on n on, every day it is in the papers how someone got robbed by a native person, every single day. They kill for nothing as well, some as stupid as a case of beer.

I could go on n on but i won't. Go to poverty stricken chicago neighborhoods & you get the point.

~J said...

Wow, how you are describing natives is how it is here with blacks.

Every day on the news, it's someone being murdered, beaten, kidnapped or robbed and the suspect is always the same color. And that color isn't white. It's something like 45% of the population in jail is black.. that's a national average, not just for Florida. 19% are hispanic and the rest is non-hispanic (so asians, indians, whites, etc.)

Just like how you said about indians there, here blacks get paid to go to college, (did I? NO).. they get welfare and KEEP getting walfare b/c they keep having babies. It's so not fair!! This ISN'T what welfare was for! It was to be temp. help to 'SUPPLEMENT' income, not BE income for the rest of their lives. It's like they are being rewarded for having baby after baby, while unmarried, to many different fathers.

Back in the day, ppl were jealous I guess you could say, of whites. They viewed us as getting everything handed to us while 'minorities' got nothing. Well.. its SOOOO the other way around now. Whites ARE the minority! But do you see US getting any of the benefits that they do? Did I get ANY of my school paid for? NO! Do I get any gov't help? NO! It's so not fair!

Hell.. I tried to get the Native American college tuition credit but there were so many hoops to go through, and the process takes FOREVER that I ended up not getting anything. But OHHH all you have to do is SAY you have black in you and you get everything. It's bullshit.

It seems like every region? Country? whatever.. has the same problems just with a different race. Why can't it just be the same for EVERYONE!? If you are an american citizen, you get help. Who cares what color your skin is... if you need it.. you get it. (with stipulations of course).

Florida FINALLY passed the law that in order to get welfare, you have to pass a drug test. Of course the ACLU was livid, as were 99% of the welfare recipients. WHAT?!?! If I have to be drug tested to get a damn job, you sure as hell should be drug tested to sit on your ass all day, getting knocked up again, while MY tax dollars pay your fucking bills. I don't give a shit what color you are, if you are making the gov't your personal pay check.. you need to be monitored. Plain and simple. And what gets me!! Most of the ppl on welfare COULD work if they would just get off their asses and go find a job. But why? When someone else can foot your bills? UGH!!

Now, I'm not talking about the families who were working and trying to make it on their own but something happened. I'm talking about the ones that make it a lifestyle. Generation after generation with no attempt to help themselves.

Can you tell this topic bothers me? lol said...

Oh it bothers me too hun. Go to any chicago neighborhood & that is the way it is up here.

I agree, some of these people have tried but because of their education/disabilities etc etc etc just can't for the life of them get it together, they will be on welfare for life but...... they don't sit on welfare then booze it up & smoke it up.

My thoughts when seeing this was 2 different countries, 2 different races but the EXACT same political bullshit.

"white" people are supposedly the bad terrible people but we get jack shit while busting our asses so other people can go out & party making babies just to stay on welfare.

Our welfare system is even more lenient than yours jen, we do not have food stamps, they get a check for whatever after the rent is paid (cause welfare have to pay most rents directly because those people won't pay them otherwise).

It is sad, welfare is what makes the world so bad these days i think to be honest, because it is WAY TOO LENIENT. I have been on it, disability actually, but i needed it, i got off before i was medically cleared to do so because after 2 years i had enough & wanted to work again.

I could go on n on n on lol. Finding a job isn't always so easy (me being out of work for 8 months just shows that) but........ if you try & try hard & do your best then i have no issues with you, it is those that don't bother.

~J said...

There's a difference between the ppl who need welfare and who want welfare.

For those who just can't make it, though they've tried, or b/c of a medical problem.. I have no problem with them having it for life. It's the ones that are able-bodied, but are too lazy. The ones that WANT to be on it b/c they don't want to work for anything.

We have Section 8 housing down here. Let me just tell you.. those places are NIIICCEE!! And their portion of the rent is between $5-$18 a month, depending on how many bedrooms they have. My apartment wasn't that nice, but then again, I was paying for it myself.

On top of everything else they get.. they also get health coverage! I haven't had health coverage in YEEAARRRSS and I can't get it from the gov't b/c I don't have kids. I see all these kids on welfare walking around with braces on their teeth and I think... really?? I don't think crocked teeth is that much of a health concern that the gov't should be paying for it. It's cosmetic. Glasses, yes. Other health issues, yes.. but not braces.

The system is totally and completely fucked up. said...

With the way your health care system is it should be just the main things covered. I agree about the braces, that shit is expensive. We have free health care (not eye or dental) but those on welfare get it, but i don't think it covers braces, it stops after a certain $$$ amount.

Section 18 housing? Never heard of it but that is better than they get up here!!! $5-18 a month? that is peanuts.