Thursday, February 2, 2012

More Random Stuff

So I know I haven't made a new post regarding my past much and honestly, I don't know when I will. The more I wrote about it, the more I thought about it and it wasn't a very happy time in my life. I don't really like rehashing those things, at least right now. I promise I will get back to that soon though. Just give me some time.

I do want to add in real quick that DOES have to do with my past. I don't live in a 'small town'. I live in Orlando, Florida. It's big. It may not be NYC, but it isn't some po' dunk town either. That being said, O'Neil has resurfaced in my life. Well, not HIM him, but his family.
My mom belongs to a few churches.. (i know.. that sounds weird.) But it's b/c her main church does not offer a week day bible study class. Anyhow.. she met an older lady there and they became fast friends. Meeting for lunch, getting together to work on projects for the community,.. stuff like that. Well, the lady moved to a new house and my mom was going over there but needed directions. She forgot the lady's number and called me to ask if I'd look it up online. I asked for the lady's last name and she gave it to me and I froze. It was O'Neil's last name. I asked my mom where the lady had just moved from and she told me... it was O'Neil's neighborhood when we were in school. I started asking more questions and found out that my mom's new 'BFF' is O'Neil's mom. I told my mom, she said she'd ask to make sure her son was infact O'Neil... which she did and was told yes. SO.. Is it wrong of me to not like the fact that my mom is so friendly with my abusers mom? I told my mom that I didn't like it and she told me that I shouldn't judge people by what their children do and that it was a long time ago when it happened.

OH! I'm sorry.. I should have a time limit of how long I can hate the person that abused me? Or hate anyone in that family for raising an abuser?

Am I wrong in feeling this way? Is my mom right? Should I not judge the mother for what her son did? I need advice here people.

O.K... on to other things. So my neighbor across the street is a lovely woman. She's lived across from us for about 13 yrs. I've watched her children grow up to be wonderful people. I've watched her go through a divorce, find love again, to be decieved by that man and left broken hearted. I've watched her find love AGAIN and get married to a man that was a good provider, nice to her children and seemed to treat her nice.
The only fault I ever found in her was that she rushes into every relationship. She meets a man and within months she moves him in to her house. A few short months after that and they are getting married. I would have thought that she would have learned her lesson after the man she met shortly after her 1st husband. They went to the courthouse to get married.. they went throught the ceremony. They had to file a paper (I have no idea exactly what paper) for it to be legal. For whatever reason.. they guy 'told' her he filed it so she assumed they were married. A week or 2 after that he had to return to his country (Columbia I think?) b/c he said his family needed him.. his mom or dad or whatever was really sick and might die. He returned a month later.......

With some other chick. Apparently, no one was sick. He had a wife there that he was sending money to and he went back to bring her to America. But he STILL didn't tell my neighbor when he returned. He came back to her like nothing was going on and stayed with her for a few more months. Then he told her he was leaving her out of the blue, telling her he couldn't take her kids anymore, etc. etc. etc. Making up all kinds of bs reasons. It was only when she went to file for divorce that she learned that they were never legally married.

On to current husband. Just like the man before this one, they didn't know eachother longer than 2 months when she moved him in. A few months later and they were married. At the time he was making tons of money working for Lamborghini doing body work. I have to say, the man has talent. A few years later he decides he can make it on his own and opens up his own shop, borrowing $100,000 from the bank. He was doing wonderful until the economy went south. Slowly, work declined, he had to lay people off. To save his business, he went and found 'investors'. Sadly, that only helped for a small time.

The bills at the house weren't being paid. She became months behind on her mortgage, her utilities started to get turned off. They were struggling. He would occationally get a car that was wrecked but the owner no longer wanted. He would fix it up and sale it himself. But where was the money going??? No one knew. He told her he had 'bills' to pay and didn't have enough left over to give her money to get the mortgage caught up or anything else. She started selling off things around the house. Couches, tables, T.V.'s.. whatever she felt she could do without. During these years, she found out more things about him.. and they weren't good. Found out that he was in the US illegally. He had knowingly bought a deadman's social when he was in his 20's. He had been chaced out of Conn. by the towns sheriff for whatever reason and fled to Florida.

So she decides she wants to leave him. He has just been too dishonest over the years and she can't take it.. plus she's going to lose her house anyway. She she makes plans with her son to move in with him until she can either get the house caught up, they foreclose on it or she can sell/rent it out. Before she moves, she finds out that those 'investors' he had weren't legitimate investors. It was the Mob... and they're coming to collect.

They tried to find her husband first but he left the state however they were able to get a message to him. They want their money.. they want him and they won't stop until they either get their money or him. They were so kind to make sure they also said that if they find her, they will take her, torture her and kill her if needed to get information about where he is. They already broke in and trashed the business as a warning.

They showed up at her house on Tuesday. I didn't know what was going on and who they were, but I saw them go up to the door and wait for an answer. I figured it was just a friend of theirs. No. It was them. I didn't know she was inside hiding, I thought she just wasn't home. After waiting a few minutes, the guy got back in the car and him and the guy driving pulled away. But they stopped a few houses down. I was driving away at the time and didn't think anything of it.

Until she called that night. Thankfully she made it out of there without them knowing. Her son is a cop and he came to get her. The Mob guys have been coming by daily since then.. a couple of times a day actually.. looking for them. They have even started to ask the neighbors now. I feel so bad for her. She's had to go into hiding. She ditched her cell phone and got a untraceable, disposible cell. She sold her car and is using 1 of her sons cars and her son has now rigged up his place with cameras and all kinds of 'bad-guy-catching' technology. Her daughter, who just moved back from NYC had to leave as well, I'm not sure where she went though. Hopefully back out of state, that seems like the safest place for her right now.

I'm just shocked to find out about this. I never in a million years would have thought something like this would happen in my neighborhood. You hear about things like this on the news, but never think it will happen to someone you know.

I hate her husband for doing this to her. She had no idea that he made a deal with the devil, yet she'll probably be the 1 paying the pound of flesh. I don't like the guy, but I don't want him dead. BUT!! You better believe that if I knew where he was, I'd tell them ONLY to save her and her kids. She shouldn't have to suffer the consequenses for his actions. Not with dealing with the Mob anyway. They'll kill you as easily as anyone else killing a roach.

My mom's family is Italian. When we lived up north, thats all we were surrounded by. And yes.. they were in the Mafia. I've heard about some of the things they've done. I have an uncle who was in prison for being the 'fall guy' for their criminal behaviors... though he went voluntarily. Everyone at one time or another has to take 1 for the team and it was his time. You ever seen the movie 'Goodfella's'? There was a scene where Henry, as a teen, is setting fire to a line of cars? Yep.. that's what my uncle did. Except it wasn't cars, it was businesses. In some ways, I'm glad I don't live up there and around that. But in others, I wish I did. At least I knew someone would always have my back and things that happened to me wouldn't of. Or.. even if they did, the person that did those things would be a 'missing person' forever.

Anyhow.. what I'm getting at is... these guys aren't to be messed with and she's caught up in it for something she didn't even do. Everyone knows my family was close with her and her kids. What if the mob guys come here? I of course would never tell them where she is... but to what extent will they go to find out? Should me and my family be a little nervous now? A little cautious? To be honest, I am really surprised they HAVEN'T come to my house yet. They've gone to all of the other surrounding houses asking about her and her husband. The fact that they haven't scares me a little too. Why haven't they???? Not that I want them to.. but still.. out of 10 houses, we're the only ones they haven't visited...

Well.. that's all for now. Again I'm sorry if you're disappointed that again a post wasn't a continuation of my story. I promise I'll get back to it soon.

Leave me some advice guys! Please and Thank You! :)

6 comments: said...

I would be pissed at your mom. I do not get her, she is not very supportive of you at all.

As for the mob/mafia. I know a bit about the lengths they will go too, it can get scary. The price people pay for money is retarded. I hate that they go after families though, they usually use it as a scare tactic to draw the other person out but this time it won't happen. I hope your neighbor stays safe.

You guys are probably "protected" which is why they haven't gone to your house. There is an unspoken "rule" & it would just start a war.

~J said...

Yea I get pissed at her too. I mean, I get (kind of) where she's coming from. If I had a kid and they did something fucked up, I wouldn't want other ppl to hate me for it, especially if my kid was 15-16yrs old where they are pretty much making their own choices. My mom's the type of person that doesn't hold a grudge. She gives ppl chances and chances and chances.. you know that whole 'turn the other check' thing. Which.. ok.. in some instances I can see, but not about something like this. I just can't let go of it. But you're right, she isn't very supportive a lot of the time.

You're right. This time it probably won't work b/c her husband is too much of a coward. He's too worried about himself to not care what happens to her and for that I hate him.

I don't know WHICH mob they're in. To me, they don't look Italian and since both her and him are from Columbia, I'm thinking they might be the Columbian mob. If that's true, then they might not even know about my family.. OR even care. I know the Italian mafia can be violent and all.. but from what I hear the Columbians are much worse, so maybe they don't follow the same 'rules' as Italians? Idk.. I wish it was the Italians, at least if/when they come knocking on my door I can be like.. Oh do you know ___ from up North? Yea, he's my Uncle. lol said...

The turn the other cheek doesn't apply to someone who tortured their child. The child's (even as an adult) feelings should trump all.

I don't think it matters, we have mafia in montreal & i think if your "in" your "in". Going after someone who is part of another family just starts a war & they don't want that.

I have heard the mexican mafia is even worse than italians as well, they are ruthless, because they are from such a poor country they don't care.

mum said...

WTH...your mother doesn't respect your feelings. First with the sister-in-law, now with someone's mother who is clearly an abuser. Turn the other cheek my ass. I don't know how to handle it, but your feelings are justified, completely.

Regarding the neighbor situation, I swear I was reading a story. Made-up. I must have on rose-colored glasses, because I can't even imagine that stuff going on in real-life. I have no suggestion to offer other than to be careful. Keep doing what you normally do. Don't draw attention. Hopefully they will eventually figure out that they are gone and will never be coming back.

Take care! mum

~J said...

Thanks for the imput Mum. I'm glad people are understanding my side. I was really starting to think I was being unfair and that maybe I should 'forgive and forget' or whatever. I mean, I'll NEVER forgive or forget what he did to me... I'll hate him forever for it. But his mom? Idk.. It was evident that she didn't have much control over her own child back then so yea.. some of this IS her fault, but not all of it.

And about my neighbor.. I thought the same thing. This shit could be some Lifetime Movie of the week or something. It's crazy! I was speaking to my next door neighbor about it today.. he had no idea the neighbor was going thru this or that she even left. He and his family are 100% Italian from NYC. After I told him what was going on, he said he'd call a few of his family members that still lived up North and see if they know anything or can do anything to help out to keep her safe. So that's good.... I guess? I mean.. Idk if it'll be a good thing getting another 'family' involved in this mess. The next door neighbor did see the guys that came looking for her a few days ago and said he could tell they definitely were NOT Italians, and normally Italians don't outsource their business to other nationalities. For instance, they won't involve spanish ppl or caucasians into their business unless they owe them a favor or something. I really don't know too much about how all of that works, but I'm just glad that he might be able to get some help for our neighbor. I just want her safe and out of this mess.

If I knew where her sorry-ass husband was.. I sure as HELL would be posting signs ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE so they could find him and leave her alone. said...

A coward will always be a coward, i just hate how it always ends up being the innocent ones to pay.

I still can't see them bothering you, whether they care or not most "families" are known. A war is not something they want in a country they are not from. I don't think you will have anything to worry about.

I feel for your neighbor, too bad she can't get a pi to find him then tape that address to her door so they can find him.

Are they still coming around?