Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The countdown..

Ok, so I offically have started my last 2 wks of my college education. Soon, I will be handed a diploma and kicked in the butt to find a job. Which, as it has been for a while now, easier said then done. I've tried calling up some of my contacts at local offices to see if any jobs are becoming available, but all I keep getting are "no, sorry". God, I so don't want to go back to asking people if they want paper or plastic!!!

My brother's birthday is fast approaching as well. I don't know if I should even bother sending him a card or anything. If I do, and the bitch-in-law intercepts it, would she still give it to him?

This week I have 2 day class lasting 10-12 hrs each day. While all of my college classes are at night (cus I'm SOOOOO not a morning person) but this class is for a personal reason. I've decided to also pursue a mini-career being a NRA (National Rifle Association) instructor for basic pistol classes. (You know, the class you have to take to get a concealed weapons permit.) SO! I have to take the Instructor course to get my certification before I can teach it myself. The class is a 2 day event, both days starting at 7:45am. UGH! Means I have to be up at 5:30, showered, lunched packed, guns and ammo packed and on the road by 6:30 to get there in time since the location is about an hour away. I'm so not looking forward to hearing my alarm that early or handing over $285 that I really don't have to spare right now. However, the reward outweights the costs.

I've also started to really get into the paranormal thing. Is anyone else interested in it? I find it fascinating!!! Not just the ghosts/spirits thing, but also aura's, mediums, etc. I found this really cool website that ppl go to tell their stories of encounters. The web address (if anyone's interested) is:
www.yourghoststories.com Check it out, I find their stories very interesting.

Well, that's it for now. Nothing too exciting happening with me right now. Just finals.. blahhhh

I was wondering.. does anyone read my blogs? Or are they too boring? I'd love some feedback if you do read them.

Thanks and goodnight (or rather morning since it's almost 1am) for now! :)

1 comment:

Fefita said...

I know this is an old post, but I'm pretty sure my posts aren't too interesting. If you'd like, try thinking up stories of when you were younger. Past bf's, friends, etc.