Sunday, August 2, 2009

Moving on?

So it's been about.... 2 months since I last spoke to my brother. Apparently he is holding this grudge a long time. Though I love my brother VERY much, I just can't keep giving in to him and his wife, taking all the responsibility for everything. It emotionally drains me and hurts me. I know I am not without my faults, but they have some too however, they refuse to take any responsibility for them. Always quick to blame others for everything. Quick to pass judgement on others. To criticize their so called 'friends' behind their backs. Making fun of them and calling their children degrading names, but all nice to their faces... inviting them over for parties and such. If I wasn't related to him, I wouldn't want to be their friend. As I sit and think about all the things I've heard them say about others, it makes me wonder what they say about me and my family behind our backs.

It's sad to say, but I feel that I no longer HAVE a brother. I lost him not 2 months ago, but 11 yrs ago when she walked into his life. I've kept my slience about how I feel... to him anyway. My family knows how I've felt about her for a long time now. I've kept quiet as to not cause any drama. I never wanted to stop speaking to my brother... but now!?? I guess I'd rather him gone then have to hear constantly that I'M the one that causes all the problems. Which, in a sense, kind of cracks me up. If it had been ANYONE else treating me this way from the begining, I would have gone off on them a LOOONNNGGGG time ago! Anyone who knows me knows that. But b/c it was HIS wife I never said anything... at least not to them. I'd vent to my friends or family when they were't around. I would have spat in her face if I could have a long long time ago! HA! Who am I kidding.. I would have hulled off and bitched slapped her! There have been MANY times I've wanted to do that. But, I never did. Many times have I wanted to tell her what a selfish bitch she is. But again.. never did.

Why can't people see her as she really is? Why can't HE see her as she really is? Not even 1 yr ago, him and I were driving to meet the parents for dinner, and the whole car ride he went on and on about what a total douchebag she is and how he can't stand her. But now??? Just cause I said that I didn't want to be around her anymore b/c I can't take her attitude, rude comments and constant outbursts, I'M THE HORRIBLE PERSON?!? WTF?! Does that make ANY sense what-so-ever? I mean.. I've never even told HIM how I felt about her. I knew that would make him mad/upset/pissed.. whatever and possibly make him not want to come around anymore. So I keep it to myself and still.. it happened anyway.

What do I do? Do I just sit back and wait and see how long it'll take him to come around? Do I just act like everything's fine? My family has tried to call him but he won't answer or call back.. STILL! So I'm not going to even bother trying too. I'm not going to email him cus I know all we'll do is fight anyway. So still.. what do I do? Am I now brotherless? UGH! I hate drama!!!! Our family never had drama until SHE came into the picture. Now.. the past 11 yrs have been NOTHING but drama!

God I really hate her......

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