Sunday, January 16, 2011

Distractions gone

The time was getting close and Amy and I had to be home soon. We all piled back into the car and headed to Amy's house to drop her off first. Amy and Tony said their goodbyes with a lot of kissing and hands wondering while the rest of us acted like we didn't notice.

Jasper was silent in the backseat, looking like someone just kicked his dog and Johnny was trying to see how far I'd let his hand go up my leg. Finally, Amy walked into her house, Tony got back in the car and we headed to my house.

We pulled into my drive 15 min later and I was nervous of what kind of goodbye Johnny and I would have after watching Amy and Tony. I exited the car and walked up to the front door with Johnny behind me. I wasn't about to offer him inside so I turned around to say my goodbyes there.

He pulled me in for a hug and kissed along my neck. My mind was fighting my body. It felt wonderful, but my brain was telling me to have him stop. Stop before it went too far. We stood there and made out like the teenager I was. Luckily, I heard a car coming down the road and before Johnny's hands had made contact with my ass, my brother rounded the turn.

I pulled back from Johnny, a little breathless, "Uh.. you have to go! Now! That's my brother!"

He looked in the direction of my brother's car and glanced back at me with a look on his face like "I don't give a shit". But my urging and me physically pushing him away made changed his mind. He gave me 1 last kiss goodbye and walked to his car.

"Call me later tonight! I have a question for you!" I hollard after him and unlocked the door.

My brother was waiting to pull into the drive way as Johnny was pulling out. I could tell my brother wasn't happy as he made his way to the front door. I tried to act casual, but it didn't work.

"Who was that?"

"Oh.. just some friends. They gave me a ride home."

"J.. you're in middle school. None of your friends are old enough to drive yet. Who was that!?"

"They were friends of Amy's, from high school."

"Why did he walk you to the door? He looks a little too old to be in high school." he replied skeptically.

"Oh well.. he's 19. Got held back or something. Anyway.. why are you home so early? I thought you were working tonight?" I tried to change the subject as fast as I could. I always had a hard time lying to my brother.

"They took me off the schedule since I'm leaving this weekend for the Army"

"Wait! What?? I thought you weren't leaving for a few more weeks or like a month or something!? Why did it change? Why so soon?"

"Because the unit I'll be assigned to because of the job I selected is going through bootcamp next week and they didn't want me to be behind"

Well that just ruined a nice day. I had no idea how my parents were going to react to that, but I knew it wasn't going to be good. At least with that going on tonight, they won't ask me too many questions about what I did in school that day or anything else. At least the pressure was off me for the time being but I knew as soon as my brother left for boot camp, there would not be anyone else to distract them from the things I did.

4 comments: said...

I love reading your posts, because you remind me so much of myself (both stories) i can totally see myself doing the things you have done (and some i have, sometimes i did worse lol) i hope your feeling better and will be posting more often.

~J said...

Thanks! Yes.. I feel SOOOOOOO much better!!
And thanks again for sticking around while I was MIA. :) As you see.. I started that post in Jan. but never finished it. So, I typed the rest up yesterday and just forgot to change the date. Anyway.. yea.. I'll definitely try to post more often :)

Joangel said...

I'm so glad you are back! I hope your brother didn't let it drop. I hope he talked some sense into you young lady! ha ha I'm not one to talk...I was no angel either. Can't wait to see what happens next!

~J said...

Thanks!! I'm glad to be back too. :) You know how brothers can be.. 1 min ready to jump your shit for doing something.. but if you change the subject sometimes they forget about it... I was hoping he'd forget :)