Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The week dragged by.. doesn't it always when you're excited about the weekend?? I again made plans to spend the night at Amy's and we were meeting the guys back Downtown on Friday night.

Her dad dropped us off at the teenclub, we waved goodbye and once he was out of eyeshoot we hustled to our now regular meeting spot. The evening was as enchanted as I expected and I loved every minute that I got to spend with Johnny. The night ended sooner than I hoped and we said our goodbyes. We talked about meeting at the mall again the next day but Tony couldn't make it so we decided to make plans over the phone in a few days.

Just like the other nights, Amy and I sat up most of the evening giggling and talking about the guys. We were both sad that we wouldn't be seeing them for the rest of the weekend, but I had decided I would ask Vanessa if she wanted to hang out. I had started feeling bad that she was excluded in everything because her parents were so possessive.

The next day after I got home, I called Vanessa and asked her if she wanted (could) go see a movie with me that night. Of course her parents said no, so we decided on renting a movie at her house. I didn't realize how much I missed her company and vowed that I would make more time for her.

The remainder of the weekend was relaxing and even though I was missing Johnny, I didn't think about him too much. Once Vanessa's mom was asleep and her dad had left for his regular night shift, I filled her in on all the juicy details. I watched as a glimmer of sadness come over her as she listened to my stories and I knew she felt sad. I had wished there was something I could do for her, but I knew there wasn't. I hugged her and assured her that eventually things will change and to just wait it out as much as possible. One day she will be free of the jail-like environment they had her in.

Monday came even though I asked that it wouldn't. School went as it always did and I wished it was summer so that I had more free time. Leti and I were starting to talk more and Amy and I had invited her to go out with us sometime. Her mom was a single mother of 2 (Leti the youngest and her older jerk brother) and didn't have much money for Leti or time to take her anywhere. She promised that she would go when she was able.

Monday evening I received a call from Johnny. The conversation was pleasant and we shared a few stories and laughs. He then asked why, if I was 16, that I didn't drive or have a car. I tried to make up a story as best as I could as to why I did't have either. Though I thought I sounded unbelievable, he apparently accepted it and asked if Amy and I would skip school the next morning to spend the day with them. I told him I didn't know if Amy would, but that I'd give her a call to ask then call him back, which I did. Amy was game, of course, so I decided to go along with it. The plan was, they would pick me up first (since my parents left earlier and Vanessa's dad was supposed to be taking us again), then go by and pick up Amy. I called Vanessa the next morning and explained what was going on and asked her to tell her parents that I was sick so they wouldn't ask questions. Lucky for me, our parents never talked so I knew it wouldn't get back to them.

I waited for my parents to leave then called Amy. By 8am, Johhny was knocking on my door and I told her that we'd be there shortly. When I went to get in the car, I noticed a guy sitting in the backseat with Tony that I hadn't met yet. His name was Jasper and though he had a very heavy spanish accent, he looked whiter than me; blonde hair and blue eyes. We arrived at Amy's house and the guys wanted to come in for a bit to wait out some of the morning traffic.

An hour later, we were getting ready to leave when Amy's front door opened. It was her older sister dropping something off for her mom and we all froze. Her sister seemed just as shocked as we were and immediately started yelling.

"What the hell are you doing here! You're supposed to be in school! And who the hell are they!" She pointed in the direction of the 3 guys.

"Elizabeth! Stop yelling! You scared the crap outta us!" Amy was on her feet in a second.

"Hey guys, will you wait outside while I talk to my sister?" Amy gave me a warning look and we nodded and left. We couldn't hear what was going on inside but a few minutes later they both walked out.

"Elizabeth! Please don't tell mom and dad I skipped O.K>? They were just leaving. They just came by to say hi"

Elizabeth gave each of us a long look and nodded as she headed to her car. Once the drivers door shut, Amy walked over to us.

"Hey, can you guys leave and come back in like 10 minutes just so I know she's gone?"

I looked at Johnny since he was the 1 driving. "Sure. It's fine"

"Actually, don't even come back to my house. I'll meet you 1 street over." She said as she glanced over to where Elizabeth was still seated in her car.

We all nodded, got in the car and left. We drove around aimlessly for the 10 minutes, with me giving Johnny directions. This wasn't his area of town, as he lived about 30 minutes away, so he had no idea where he was.

We picked Amy back up without incident and were finally on our way.

"Where we headed?" I asked Johnny, but it was Jasper who answered me.

"My house. It's quiet there and I know no one will be coming home."

I glanced back at Amy who was seated in between Jasper and Tony. She had the same look on her face that I did. This was going to be the 1st time we were ever actually 'alone' with the guys and we didn't know if we were ready for that.

4 comments: said...

My comments never show up :( i still have the same feeling as before, i don't like where this is headed. Can you update on the O'neil situation?if you have had any more problems plz.

~J said...

I don't understand why they don't show up for you, they show up for me..? I promise I publish every single comment I get, from anyone. It may take me a few days to approve the comment, but I always do. I also believe someone else commented about your comment a few posts ago, so other people can see them, too. So, I don't understand.
Yes, O'Neil will be talked about in other posts in the future. But at this time in the blog, he pretty much stayed away from me. I still had to see him daily around school, but our paths hardly crossed anymore.
Let me know if you still can't see your comments and I'll check into it. :)

Joangel said...

I can see her comments...strange she can't. I agree...I don't like where this is going. The guys are going to be pissed when they finally find out your real ages. Makes for a good story though ;-)

~J said...

Glad you're emjoying it so far! :)