Monday, November 8, 2010

Jasper's House......

About an hour later we pulled up to the curb of a typical Florida home. It was a nice 1 story, looked fairly newly built and the outside was kept up nicely. I was a little surprised, really. From the look of Jasper, I didn't expect his house to be so... I don't know.. nice..?

"Stay here, I'll be right back" Jasper said as he exited Johnny's car.

We watched as he walked up to the front door and fumbled with his keys. It seemed to take him forever before he came back to the car and said he must have left his house key inside and would have to go around back to get in. We waited another few minutes and then he appeared at the front door from the inside and waved us in. Amy and I stuck close together as Tony and Johnny led us into the house. It was dark inside even though it was early and bright outside.

"Can we turn on a light or something? I can't see where to walk!" Amy had asked Tony exactly what I was thinking.

More fumbling and finally a small end table light came on. Amy and I glanced around the room and realized all the guys were looking as us. We couldn't tell what they were thinking and slowly made our way to the couch and sat next to each other. We all chatted a bit, laughing at the stories the guys told about each other, when Johnny grabbed my hand and tried to lead me into 1 of the bedrooms. I quickly glanced back at Amy with a look of 'oh my god! Help me! What do I do??'. She shrugged and I nervously got up and let Johnny lead me down a hall. It was obvious he wasn't familiar with Jasper's house because it took him a few tries to finally find a bedroom with a bed in it instead of a desk.

As we entered the room, I noticed the wall paper was of toy cars and trucks. There was a small bed on one side of the room and a small dresser on the other. Obviously this was a child's room.. and it gave me the willies being in there. However, it DIDN'T bother Johnny one bit because he crossed the floor in a flash and was holding me in his arms. It felt so good but at the same time, very awkward. Before meeting Johnny, I had never had a guy hold me like this.

He leaned in and kissed me slowly. I returned the kiss as best as I could, with the little experience I had. It didn't take long for his hands to start to wonder and my body tensed.

"It's o.k., J. Just relax. I won't hurt you"

I didn't say anything but took a deep breath and tried to force my body to relax. I kept telling myself that I was in control of the situation and it wouldn't go any further that I wanted it to.

Johnny's hands slid back onto my ass and he pulled me close again. I wrapped my arms around his neck with his direction and he leaned in for another kiss. One of his hands left my ass and made their way to the front of me and up my shirt. Just as I was about to push his hand away, there was a knock at the door.

"WHAT!" Bellowed Johnny. You could hear the irritation in his voice.

"Hey man.. I need to talk to you for a sec." It was Jasper. Though I wasn't comfortable around him, I was thankful for him knocking just at that time.

Johnny let out a frustrated sigh and walked out into the hall. I was left standing in some little boys room with no idea what to do when Johnny came back so I strained to listen to their conversation. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying but I knew we had to be gone in about an hour. I figured I could fend him off for that long.. well.. at least most of that time. I assumed he'd want more than 20 minutes to fool around so that left me 40 minutes. I had to think of something because I knew I wasn't ready to do what I knew he wanted to do.

My saving grace came when Amy slipped past Johnny in a heated discussion with Jasper to enter the bedroom.

"What's going on? Why's Johnny so mad?" I whispered to Amy.

"I'm not sure... but it's got Tony all upset too!!"

We sat on the little bed side by side trying to decide what to do. The guys were our only way back home and we had no idea where we were anyway, even IF we had another way to leave. Shortly after the door opened up and Johnny was standing there not looking pleased.

"Everything O.K.?" I asked, grabbing Amy's hand beside me. It hadn't really occurred to me until that moment that we really didn't know these guys as well as we thought we did, or hoped we did.

As we entered the hall, Jasper was still standing there looking as white as a ghost and he looked like he was going to be sick any minute. Amy followed me out and we shut the door behind us. Once we were in the living room the guys went back to their joking manner and the atmosphere changed to a lighter note. I was relieved and by the looks of Amy, she was too. Jasper joined us not long after.

"Hey Jasper, you have a little brother?"

"No?" He mumbled back to me, obviously still a little irritated.

"Oh.. then..a nephew or son or something?"

"No!! Why?"

"Oh was just wondering who's bedroom we were in. I'm assuming it wasn't yours... right? I'd think you were a little old for cars and trucks wallpaper" I laughed

He shot me a dirty look and Johnny interrupted.

"I think we should leave. Now!" He abruptly grabbed my hand and pulled me from the couch. I was confused. I had no idea what I had said that made everyone so uptight again. Maybe he had a child or brother or nephew or something that had died? Maybe that's why he was so upset about my question??


Joangel said...

OMG...they broke into someones house???

~J said...

I never even thought about that at the time! I thought I hit a nerve when I asked about the little boy, maybe died? Got kidnapped? Something? Thinking maybe that's why Jasper got so mad, 'cus we were in the kids bedroom?