Monday, August 9, 2010

You're nothing but trouble

*** WARNING! There is racial slang used in this post. It is not to offend anyone, I am just quoting what was said.***

I tried to look away, thinking if I ignored them, they would walk right past me. But I knew better. I was the only one on the bus that was having issues with the two people walking towards me. I glanced at Vanessa and she looked as puzzled as I felt scared. The VP and bus driver stopped directly infront of the seat I was sharing with Vanessa and I was glad I was closer to the window than the walk way.

Neither of them said anything for a long minute and I finally glanced up to meet them in the eye.

"You are nothing but trouble!" The VP yelled, then the driver interupted; "This is all your fault! I shouldn't even let you back on MY bus today! But let me tell you something LITTLE GIRL, if I so much as hear a peep out of you, you're off my bus for good! I don't care WHERE we are! Do you understand me!!?"

The entire bus fell quiet and everyone was staring at the 3 of us. I didn't know what to do, but I knew what I WANTED to do. I wanted to stand up and go off on the both of them, but knowing I would then not have ANY way home, I silently shook my head yes and they turned and walked back outside. The 2 of them chatted a little longer then the driver got back on the bus and we left.

"What was that about?" Vanessa whispered to me

"I'll tell you later" I whispered back

The other students were all buzzing with gossip while we rode home. I kept quiet for the remainder of the ride, I didn't want to call the driver's bluff about leaving me somewhere again. As we turned the last corner before our stop, I saw 2 cars parked at the bus stop. 1 car was my brother's but I didn't recognize the 2nd vehicle. Quickly but quietly I gathered my belongings and headed for the exit. Just as I left the last step I heard my brother call me over. I wondered what he was doing there, he NEVER picked me up from the bus stop. Before I reached his car 6 people piled out of it, including 5 more from the other car that was parked there.

"J, which one is he?" my brother yelled


"You know what I'm talking about! Which one IS HE!"

"Oh.. umm.. he's sitting 3 seats down from the door.... why? What are you going to do?"

No sooner had I asked the question, 11 of his friends rushed the bus and began pounding on it and rocking it back and forth. 1 of his friends, a blonde kid I had never met before attempted to break the glass window where O'Neil sat with a wooden baseball bat.

"Come out here you fucking nigger! You want slap someone around!? Slap ME around!" the blonde kid screamed

"Yea! Come on out nigger! We're gonna beat you like the fucking slave you should be!" another one of my brother's friends yelled, trying to reach into the window to grab onto O'Neil.

"You worthless piece of burnt dog shit! We're gonna beat the shit out of you for touching her!" A tall dark-haired boy said

"Hey! Get the driver too! He let it happen!" Another boy yelled as he tried to pry open the bus doors.

I just stood there in complete shock. It was all happening so fast. So many of my brother's friends were trying their hardest to get in that bus, or get the driver and O'Neil out.

"J! J! J! What the hell is going on!" Vanessa kept asking me, pulling me by the sleeve to get out of the way

"Uhh... I guess my mom told my brother?" Was all I could think of to say.

"When did you tell your mom?"

I didn't answer, I didn't have time. The bus was begining to move, the driver obviously not caring if he ran over anyone.

"J! GET IN THE CAR NOW!" My brother hollered as all his friends were rushing back into the cars.

I didn't want to go. I wanted to go home, I didn't want to be apart of this.

"GET IN THE FUCKING CAR!!" my brother said once again, as he pushed me in the back seat.

Vanessa was left standing there bewildered; "I'll call you later!" I said as we peeled out. I looked behind us and the other car was following close behind, poor Vanessa was still standing there looking confused.

A few streets over the bus slowed for another bus stop, but since we were still behind them, he wouldn't open the doors. A kid from the car behind us got out and ran up to the bus again, "We don't want anyone else but that fucking nigger and you!" He yelled to the driver. The driver just sat there, doors still not opening.

Finally, we passed the bus and waited around the corner out of sight. The driver finally opened the doors and let the passengers out and turned the corner a few minutes later. We let him pass and got behind him once more. At the next traffic light, the driver opened the doors and walked towards us. I was afraid that either my brother or the car behind us was going to try to run him over, luckily there was too much traffic and we were blocked in.

"I don't know what your problem is man, but you need to leave my riders alone" The driver yelled from a few feet away and ran back to the bus. The light turned green and we continued to follow the bus to the next stop. Finally, 3 stops later we were at O'Neil's stop. The area O'Neil lived in was a very black neighborhood. Actually, it was an ALL black neighborhood. The neighborhood itself was fairly small, and almost everyone was related one way or another.

The bus pulled up to the stop but wouldn't open the doors. Just then, my blonde boy sitting next to me reached behind the seat (into the hatchback area) and grabbed another baseball bat. The boy to on the other side of me grabbed metal nunchucks.

OH sweet Jesus! What's gonna happen??

The other car pulled in behind us and all of the passengers started running for the bus again. I made my brother promise me he wouldn't get out, mame him promise he'd stay inside with me.

It seemed like an eternity of screams and yells coming from my brother's friends.

"Get out here nigger! You're gonna see what a beating really feels like!"

"If you're lucky, we'll leave you for dead instead of killing you right now you dirty nigger!"

Two shots rang out and the yelling stopped.