Thursday, August 5, 2010

"I am THIS close to calling the authorities on you, not just the school, but YOU!! My child came to you about a problem and what did you do? You made her feel like is was her fault! Basically saying she asked for it, then making the situation WORSE!! What kind of VP ARE YOU? What kind of PERSON are you to do that to a CHILD! After she brought it to your attention and your lack of concern or WHATEVER, the way I view it.. anything that happened to her AFTER that is YOUR FAULT! YOU put my child in danger! You contributed to harming a child!!" My mom's voice was getting louder and louder as her face turned an unfamiliar red. She was begining to shake in her chair out of anger, and I began shaking out of fear. I seriously thought my mom was going to come over the desk and choke the woman.

"She told me she never actually said no.." The VP started

"WHAT?! Are you seriously going to try to justify your actions with that statement?? Are you honestly going to say that because she didn't say the exact word.. she didn't say 'NO' to him, that it's her fault? She came to YOU to make it stop and what did you do?? Not a Goddamn thing! You made the situation worse! Do you know what he did to her after you talked to him? He HIT HER!"

"Well, she never came back so I thought.."

"EXCUSE ME?? She never came back??? Why the hell would she?!? She came to you 1st, she saw what happened when she did come to you.. why didn't YOU follow up? YOU ARE THE ADULT! YOU ARE THE VP! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!"

"Ma'am, if you would just calm d.."

"Don't you DARE tell me to calm down! This is my DAUGHTER! You want to know what ELSE he's done to her?"

Before the VP was able to respond, my Mother went into detail of the things I told her that morning. Before she was finished, the VP interupted her..

"Well, did your DAUGHTER also tell you she was kicked off the bus yesterday for assulting a student?" The VP asked with her arrogance coming back to her.

"OH! Thank you for bringing that up! Yes, as a matter of fact she DID tell me! And do you know WHY she 'assulted' him, as you so want to put it. She was defending herself! HE was ASSULTING HER! So, again! This school has failed my child and her safety! Not only have you not stopped the abuse she was receiving from another student, who I might add is WAY too old to be in her own grade, but then the bus driver KICKS HER OFF THE BUS MIDRIDE?? Where in your policy does it state that THAT is acceptable? Because of the business I am in, I know for a FACT you are NOT allowed to KICK a child off the bus once it leaves the school. If there is a problem with a child, the parents are called and the child has to wait at the school for a ride. You better hope to GOD you don't lose your job, the bus driver doesn't lose his, and you don't have criminal charges brought against BOTH of you for this! If I do proceed with charges, you BOTH can kiss your careers goodbye!"

"Ma'am, if you would just.."

By now my mother was standing up again, leaning over the desk about 3 inches from the VP's face, "Just shut up! It's obvious you are a complete idiot and don't know how to do your job right! I'm done speaking with you! I just wanted to come in here to let you know you pissed off the wrong parent! If my child comes home with so much as a red mark on her body from that boy, there WILL be hell to pay and you might as well pack up your things and leave town because I'm coming back FOR YOU! I expect that from now on, it will be made sure that this boy does not come in contact with her at all. He better not even sit on the same side of the bus with her. J, grab your things, we're leaving."

With that, I picked up my bag and followed my mom out of the office into the hallway.

"J, I'm really sorry, but you're going to have to ride the bus home today after school, we'll figure something out for the rest of the time. But I just can't come back and pick you up and your dad's in meetings all day. He doesn't even know what's going on, I couldn't reach him, otherwise he'd be in here too. But call me as soon as you get home and let me know how it goes."

She gave me a long hug and a kiss and walked out. School had already started so I ran back into the office to get a pass for being late. The secretary, who obviously heard most of the conversation, didn't argue with me and slid the pass across the counter without making eye contact.

As I walked to class, I said a silent prayer, wishing Vanessa was there, even if it was only for moral support. The rest of the day went by in a fog and I was nervous about the ride home. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that this was going to be the last day I had to ride the bus. I went to my locker to grab the rest of my things and started towards the bus when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and was shocked to see Vanessa running after me, "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming in today?"

"Well, my last appointment got canceled so my dad brought me in so I could at least go to my last 2 classes. Stupid if you ask me, but you know my dad. Did I miss anything today?"

I wanted to fill her in on what happened in the office that morning, but we were already at the bus, waiting our turn to get on so I decided to tell her on the walk home. As we found our seats and waiting to leave, her and I both noticed that O'Neil sat only 3 seats away from the front. Vanessa and I looked at each other quizatively and I just shrugged, I didn't have time to explain. Now that O'Neil wasn't sitting with me, Vanessa snuck up to my seat and sat down. It was nice to have a seat mate I enjoyed talking to.

We felt the bus lurch forward as it started to move but then pulled over to the curb and stop. The bus driver parked and walked down to the VP who was waiting on the sidewalk. They chatted a few minutes, each taking turns to look in our direction. We couldn't hear what they were saying, but it was evident neither of them were happy.

Minutes later the driver and the VP boarded and started walking directly towards me with a stern look. I had no idea what they were going to do or say, but I was about to find out.

3 comments: said...

oh man you did it to me AGAIN, bah lol, hope you post tomorrow, please don't make me wait out the weekend.

I love how your mother reacted, if more parents reacted that way there would be less kids that are messed up, too many parents don't believe the kids or blame them, it's a shame.

~J said...

Yea, I was really thankful (in some ways) that my mom went off. I never lied to my parents (before all of this anyway) so she knew I wouldn't make something so serious up just to skip school. Other ways, I was really embarressed and didn't know if telling her was going to help, or make things tons worse. But I was at least glad to get everything off my chest.

Sorry, but you'll have to wait til Monday. :) If I tell everything now, I won't have anything to write come next week. :)

Hope you enjoy your weekend!! said...

awww that sucks, i came back just now to refresh to see if you wrote anything else lol.

having a party/bbq tomorrow after work & a bbq saturday so should be fun & tiring lol.

hope you have a good weekend as well :)