Monday, August 2, 2010

Butterflies... take me away..

I tried to finish my breakfast while waiting for my mom to get to work, but I just couldn't eat it. The butterflies in my stomach were starting to make me sick. I hated directly lying to my parents and I had a really hard time doing it. I would stumble over my words and it would be a dead give-a-way.

I threw the rest of my breakfast in the trash, took a deep breath and dialed her work number. One the 3rd ring she answered:

"Hey Mom, I uhh, was calling because I feel like crap and uhh don't want to go to school."

"Hmm.. oh really? Well, what's wrong?"

"My stomach hurts really bad and I feel like I'm going to throw up" Which WAS the truth, but it was my nerves and nothing more.

"Does this have anything to do with Vanessa calling you this morning?"


"Are you sure?"


"What's really going on? Did you not do your homework last night?"

"No, I did it. I really, honestly, don't feel good"

"Do you have a test you didn't study for?"

"No. Really!! Mom!! I don't feel good and don't want to go!" I was starting to lose my patients! Why couldn't she just say O.K.??

"I don't believe you're really sick, J. What's going on? Tell me right now!!" Apparently she was starting to lose her patients as well. I don't know why, if it was her yelling at me or what, but I broke down crying.

"J, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I.... (sob).. don't.. (sob).. want to.. (sob).. ride the..(sob).. bus (sob)."

"WHAT? I can't understand you. Settle down. Now.. what are you trying to say?"

I took a deep breath and tried to start again. "Mom, there's a guy on the bus. He's mean to me and I'm afraid of him"

"What do you mean he's 'mean' to you?"

"He hits me sometimes and touches me"

"Hits you?? Touches you where?"

"Up my skirt or shorts, down my shirt, what ever he decides and yes, hits me. Especially if I try to push him away or tell him no."

"I'll be home in 15 min, be dressed! You're going to school and I'm taking you!" She yelled then hung up the phone before even saying goodbye. I held the phone to my ear wondering what was going to happen now. Did I make the right decision? Of course I did, but at what price? Oh my God! What was my father going to do when he found out??

I showered in record time and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I was in no mood to dress up for school. Just as I was sliding my shoes on I heard my mother practically bust the garage door leading into the house down.

"J!" She shouted

"Yea! I'll be right out"

I slinked out of my room. avoiding all eye contact with her. I was too embarressed to look at her and didn't want her looking at me.

"Sit down and I want you to tell me EVERYTHING. From the time it started to now." My mom demanded

I took a deep breath and started at the very begining. I explained the bruises I lied to her about before, I explained my foul moods and I explained what really happened with the bump to my head. To say she was mad would be an understatement. Thankfully though, she decided to overlook my drinking episode for the most part with only a comment: "Don't EVER do that again"

After I finished the whole story, I was in tears and was shaking. She walked over and sat next to me on the couch and hugged me. Finally, she pulled away and said we were going to my school and she was going to have a chat with the VP. I also explained what happened when I TRIED to talk to the VP. With nothing more than a pursed lip, she turned and walked back to the garage. I knew when my mom was in this mood to not say too much, it would only make her angrier.

We pulled up to my school shortly after and I didn't want to get out of the car. The butterflies in my stomach felt like they were going to take flight and I wished they would take me with them. I didn't want to be there and surely didn't want to go inside. But, like all mom's, she forced me out of the car and we went inside.

At the counter of the front office my mother made her presence known; "I want to speak to the VP, NOW!" She leaned over the counter, gripping it like it was the only thing holding her up at that moment.

"The VP is out at the bus ramps still and won't be in for another 20 minutes. If you tell me why....." The secretary started but was cut off by my mother's growing temper.

"I don't care WHAT she's doing! You get her in here RIGHT NOW! And NO I will NOT WAIT and NO I will NOT tell YOU why I'm here! It involves my child and that's all you need to know!" My mother's grip on the counter was tighter and her knuckles were starting to turn white. I knew my mom had a temper but I never witnessed it before.

"Yes ma'am. I'll call her. If you would just take a seat please.."

Without another word, my mother found a chair in the waiting room and sat down. I followed behind her quietly.

A few minutes later the VP walked into the office with an arrogance. "You requested to see me? What can I do for you?"

"First, you can take this to your office. I'm not having this discussion out here" My mother snapped back as she stood. Guess my mom noticed the VP's arrogance, too.

The VP looked a little surprised but ushered us into a small private office a few doors down.

"Please... have a seat"

My mother and I sat across from the arrogant women and I waited for someone to speak. It wasn't a surprise that it was my mother who spoke.. or rather.. yelled first.

4 comments: said...

i have been waiting & waiting for this post. i am sooooooooo glad to see you finally tell your mom, sounds like she reacted right, hope it made things better for you. Now i am also waiting for the next post b.c you knew leaving a cliffhanger like that would leave us wanting to know more, so please don't wait too long to finish the post lol

~J said...

I'm realy sorry I didn't post it earlier in the day but I hope you enjoyed the post, anyway. :)

If I get some time this week I might make a little mini post if anyone would like. Just let me know.

Oh and of COURSE there has to be cliff hangers.. otherwise, no one would want to read more, right? :) said...

i always want to read your posts, you have interesting writing even though i don't like this turn of events i do follow other blogs of yours lol.

mini post would be awesome, even if it was just what happened in the office lol.

~J said...

Aww thanks so much!! :) I'm glad you enjoy reading.

I will try to get a mid-week mini post done. :)

Thanks again for reading and commenting, glad to know there's people out there!