Sunday, April 25, 2010

Moving on up

Summer turned into Fall and the terror of 6th grade was fast approaching. Not only was I starting a new school.. a HUGE school compared to my Elementary school, but I was going to have to make new friends again and even worse, ride the bus. I don't know why I was afraid to ride the bus, but I had some irrational fear about it. Up until this time, I either rode my bike to school or 1 of my parents would drop me off. I guess I didn't adjust to change very easily back then. Or maybe, I just had some 6th sense kicking me in, warning me of things to come.

The first day of school, my mom decided she would drop me off and pick me up. It had been a long standing tradition in my family that on the 1st day of school of every new year, our parents would drop us off. As my brother got older, he no longer wanted that, so he took the bus all on his own, or rode with friends until he was able to drive himself.

My first day wasn't as stressful as I expected. I found my classes relatively easy and the only thing about that day I didn't like was P.E. I was able to choose an elective so I chose chorus. I've always loved music, and back in my 1st Elementary school in Florida I played violin and also soccer but I hated actual P.E. I just thought all that running around not chasing anything was a waste of time. Especially when it's over 100 degrees out with the heat index. I was excited to see that we were able to pick our lunch from the line instead of being fed some nasty mystery meat so I chose pizza, chips and a soda.

What made the day the 1 of the best days in my life so far was meeting up with some old friends. Though as I walked around the campus, I secretly wished my best friend was there to share my day with. I still missed Carl tremendously and wondered how his 1st day in middle school was going.

I walked into my 5th class of the day dragging along. I was tired and couldn't wait for the day to end. All summer long I had been going to bed late and sleeping in and I desperately needed a nap. As I approached a row of chairs, I slug my bag to the floor and plopped down ignoring the people around me. I heard a familiar voice talking from across the room, but I just couldn't place it.

Where had I heard that voice before??
Why does it sound so familiar?

Finally, with curiousity getting the best of me, I turned toward the voice. Never in a million years did I expect to see who was looking back at me.

It was Carl!! I had to do a triple take.

Was it really him?? No of course not. It couldn't be!! He had moved away over 2 years ago and I never heard from him again. No way could he really be sitting across the room from me finally! It was what I had wished for all day long.. and now here he was.

It WAS him! He had grown taller and thinner, his hair was definately different, so were his glasses. But it really was him. I turned away quickly. I had to compose myself. I wanted to jump up and run to him. I wanted to burst out crying out of pure excitement. I wanted to tell him everything that has happened since I saw him last. But I didn't. I just sat there staring straight ahead. I never turned back around, but I could feel him watching me. I have no idea what was said during that hour of class. All I heard was my own thoughts.

Why are you being such a coward?? Go talk to him!!

I was glad when the bell rang to dismiss class and I quickly grabbed my bag running from the room. I only had 1 more class to go and I could finally get away. My emotions were getting the best of me and I couldn't concentrate on anything other than Carl.

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