Sunday, March 13, 2011


First let me say I'm soooo sooo sorry for just up and leaving without a word since. I really have no excuse other than I just didn't feel like posting. As you guys know, I had some health issues going on and after that.. well.. I just didn't feel like doing anything. Especially posts. But! I have an update!! :)

I returned to my Dr. for a 6wks check up of my heart. He listened intently.. then listen some more. He pulled away with a puzzled look on his face.

"What's wrong now, Doc?" I asked

"I can't hear it. I can't hear it at all. I know it was there last time. Mary.. come listen to see if you can hear it. You did hear it last time, right?"

Mary the nurse took her turn listening to my heart and she as well couldn't hear the tale-tell sounds of the thump, thump, click. They both looked at each other with WTF faces.

"J, do you have time to do an EKG while you're here? I want to make sure it's really gone."

I did have the time. Hell, even if I didn't have the time, I'd make time because I wanted to know! 45 minutes later they were unhooking the leads and sent me back to the exam room. The Dr. came in shortly after half smiling, half still confused.

"J. I swear I heard it the last time you were here. Mary heard it... I'm not going crazy. It really was there. But your EKG is perfect. So, I don't know what happened, but your heart is healthy with no signs of a mitral valve prolapse. Maybe it was just the meds you were on, but whatever it was.. it's gone now. Congrats!!" he smiled as he hugged me. I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding and though really confused of how it just 'went away', I was happy with the news.

Of course my mom went with me to this appointment too so as soon as I was back in the lobby, she wasted no time in asking me. "SO! What did he say? You were back there for ever!" I smiled, told her what happened and she I think she was more excited that I was I think. As we walked out the door and into the parking lot she looked over at me and said, "Your Dad and I have been praying that He would fix this as since you found out. Looks like He did."

Now, I'm SOOOO not a religious person. I don't go to Church, though my parents do. I don't have any desire to go to Church. I have my own issues with Church which is another post of another time lol. But, as I walked to the car I thought about what my mom said... hey.. maybe the 'power of prayer' really does work? I honestly don't know. All I do know is that 6wks before I had a heart problem. I didn't take any med's to correct it, as there were none available My Grandmother prayed, my Grandfather prayed, my parent's prayed and my best friend prayed that He would fix my heart. I didn't change my lifestyle any. The only thing that changed was that I was off the meds for my cold. Did my heart correct itself once I was off the meds? Or was it all the prayer? I don't know.. I'll never know.. but.. whatever it was.. it worked and I'm very thankful.

Now that that is over with and this (horrible) semester is almost done, I'm hoping to have more time.. and more desire.. to post more. I can't promise it will be weekly, but I will try. I hope everyone has had a great year so far!! :)